Source code for torch_ecg._preprocessors.normalize

"""Normalization of the signals."""

from numbers import Real
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from ..cfg import DEFAULTS
from ..utils.utils_signal import normalize
from .base import PreProcessor

__all__ = [

[docs]class Normalize(PreProcessor): r"""Normalization of the signals. Perform z-score normalization on `sig`, to make it has fixed mean and standard deviation; or perform min-max normalization on `sig`, or normalize `sig` using `mean` and `std` via :math:`(sig - mean) / std`. More precisely, .. math:: \begin{align*} \text{Min-Max normalization:} & \quad \frac{sig - \min(sig)}{\max(sig) - \min(sig)} \\ \text{Naive normalization:} & \quad \frac{sig - m}{s} \\ \text{Z-score normalization:} & \quad \left(\frac{sig - mean(sig)}{std(sig)}\right) \cdot s + m \end{align*} Parameters ---------- method : {"naive", "min-max", "z-score"}, optional Normalization method, case insensitive, default "z-score". mean : numbers.Real or numpy.ndarray, default 0.0 Mean value of the normalized signal, or mean values for each lead of the normalized signal. Useless if `method` is "min-max". std : numbers.Real or numpy.ndarray, default 1.0 Standard deviation of the normalized signal, or standard deviations for each lead of the normalized signal. Useless if `method` is "min-max". per_channel : bool, default False If True, normalization will be done per channel. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from torch_ecg.cfg import DEFAULTS sig = DEFAULTS.RNG.randn(1000) pp = Normalize(method="z-score", mean=0.0, std=1.0) sig, _ = pp(sig, 500) """ __name__ = "Normalize" def __init__( self, method: str = "z-score", mean: Union[Real, np.ndarray] = 0.0, std: Union[Real, np.ndarray] = 1.0, per_channel: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: self.method = method.lower() assert self.method in [ "z-score", "naive", "min-max", ] self.mean = mean self.std = std self.per_channel = per_channel if isinstance(std, Real): assert std > 0, "standard deviation should be positive" else: assert (std > 0).all(), "standard deviations should all be positive" if not per_channel: assert isinstance(mean, Real) and isinstance( std, Real ), "mean and std should be real numbers in the non per-channel setting"
[docs] def apply(self, sig: np.ndarray, fs: Real) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int]: """Apply the preprocessor to `sig`. Parameters ---------- sig : numpy.ndarray The ECG signal, can be - 1d array, which is a single-lead ECG; - 2d array, which is a multi-lead ECG of "lead_first" format; - 3d array, which is a tensor of several ECGs, of shape ``(batch, lead, siglen)``. fs : numbers.Real Sampling frequency of the ECG signal. **NOT** used currently. Returns ------- normalized_sig : :class:`numpy.ndarray` The normalized ECG signal. fs : :class:`int` The sampling frequency of the normalized ECG signal. """ self._check_sig(sig) normalized_sig = normalize( sig=sig.astype(DEFAULTS.np_dtype), method=self.method, mean=self.mean, std=self.std, sig_fmt="channel_first", per_channel=self.per_channel, ) return normalized_sig, fs
[docs] def extra_repr_keys(self) -> List[str]: return [ "method", "mean", "std", "per_channel", ] + super().extra_repr_keys()
[docs]class MinMaxNormalize(Normalize): r"""Min-Max normalization. Min-Max normalization defined as .. math:: \frac{sig - \min(sig)}{\max(sig) - \min(sig)} Parameters ---------- per_channel : bool, default False If True, normalization will be done per channel. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from torch_ecg.cfg import DEFAULTS sig = DEFAULTS.RNG.randn(1000) pp = MinMaxNormalize() sig, _ = pp(sig, 500) """ __name__ = "MinMaxNormalize" def __init__( self, per_channel: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__(method="min-max", per_channel=per_channel)
[docs] def extra_repr_keys(self) -> List[str]: return [ "per_channel", ] + super().extra_repr_keys()
[docs]class NaiveNormalize(Normalize): r"""Naive normalization. Naive normalization defined as .. math:: \frac{sig - m}{s} Parameters ---------- mean : numbers.Real or numpy.ndarray, default 0.0 Value(s) to be subtracted. std : numbers.Real or numpy.ndarray, default 1.0 Value(s) to be divided. per_channel : bool, default False If True, normalization will be done per channel. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from torch_ecg.cfg import DEFAULTS sig = DEFAULTS.RNG.randn(1000) pp = NaiveNormalize() sig, _ = pp(sig, 500) """ __name__ = "NaiveNormalize" def __init__( self, mean: Union[Real, np.ndarray] = 0.0, std: Union[Real, np.ndarray] = 1.0, per_channel: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__( method="naive", mean=mean, std=std, per_channel=per_channel, )
[docs] def extra_repr_keys(self) -> List[str]: return [ "mean", "std", "per_channel", ] + super().extra_repr_keys()
[docs]class ZScoreNormalize(Normalize): r"""Z-score normalization. Z-score normalization defined as .. math:: \left(\frac{sig - \operatorname{mean}(sig)}{\operatorname{std}(sig)}\right) \cdot s + m Parameters ---------- mean : numbers.Real or numpy.ndarray, default 0.0 Mean value of the normalized signal, or mean values for each lead of the normalized signal. std : numbers.Real or numpy.ndarray, default 1.0 Standard deviation of the normalized signal, or standard deviations for each lead of the normalized signal. per_channel : bool, default False If True, normalization will be done per channel. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from torch_ecg.cfg import DEFAULTS sig = DEFAULTS.RNG.randn(1000) pp = ZScoreNormalize() sig, _ = pp(sig, 500) """ __name__ = "ZScoreNormalize" def __init__( self, mean: Union[Real, np.ndarray] = 0.0, std: Union[Real, np.ndarray] = 1.0, per_channel: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__( method="z-score", mean=mean, std=std, per_channel=per_channel, )
[docs] def extra_repr_keys(self) -> List[str]: return [ "mean", "std", "per_channel", ] + super().extra_repr_keys()