Source code for torch_ecg.databases.physionet_databases.ltafdb

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json
import math
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from numbers import Real
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import wfdb

from ...cfg import CFG
from ...utils.misc import add_docstring
from ...utils.utils_interval import generalized_intervals_intersection
from ..base import DEFAULT_FIG_SIZE_PER_SEC, BeatAnn, DataBaseInfo, PhysioNetDataBase

__all__ = [

_LTAFDB_INFO = DataBaseInfo(
    Long Term AF Database
    1. contains 84 long-term ECG recordings of subjects with paroxysmal or sustained atrial fibrillation
    2. each record contains two simultaneously recorded ECG signals digitized at 128 Hz
    3. records have duration 24 - 25 hours
    4. qrs annotations (.qrs files) were produced by an automated QRS detector, in which detected beats (including occasional ventricular ectopic beats) are labelled "N", detected artifacts are labelled "|", and AF terminations are labelled "T" (inserted manually)
    5. atr annotations (.atr files) were obtained by manual review of the output of an automated ECG analysis system; in these annotation files, all detected beats are labelled by type ('"', "+", "A", "N", "Q", "V"), and rhythm changes ("\x01 Aux", "(AB", "(AFIB", "(B", "(IVR", "(N", "(SBR", "(SVTA", "(T", "(VT", "M", "MB", "MISSB", "PSE") are also annotated
    6. Webpage of the database on PhysioNet [1]_. Paper describing the database [2]_.
    1. both channels of the signals have name "ECG"
    2. the automatically generated qrs annotations (.qrs files) contains NO rhythm annotations
    3. `aux_note` of .atr files of all but one ("64") record start with valid rhythms, all but one end with "" ("30" ends with "\x01 Aux")
    4. for more statistics on the whole database, see [ref 3](#ref3)
        "Atrial fibrillation (AF) detection",
        "(3 or 4) beat type classification",
        "Rhythm classification",
        "Petrutiu S, Sahakian AV, Swiryn S. Abrupt changes in fibrillatory wave characteristics at the termination of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in humans. Europace 9:466-470 (2007).",

[docs]@add_docstring(_LTAFDB_INFO.format_database_docstring(), mode="prepend") class LTAFDB(PhysioNetDataBase): """ Parameters ---------- db_dir : `path-like`, optional Storage path of the database. If not specified, data will be fetched from Physionet. working_dir : `path-like`, optional Working directory, to store intermediate files and log files. verbose : int, default 1 Level of logging verbosity. kwargs : dict, optional Auxilliary key word arguments. """ __name__ = "LTAFDB" def __init__( self, db_dir: Optional[Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]] = None, working_dir: Optional[Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]] = None, verbose: int = 1, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: from matplotlib.pyplot import cm super().__init__( db_name="ltafdb", db_dir=db_dir, working_dir=working_dir, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, ) self.fs = 128 self.data_ext = "dat" self.auto_ann_ext = "qrs" self.manual_ann_ext = "atr" self.all_leads = [0, 1] self._ls_rec() self.rhythm_types = [ "(N", "(AB", "(AFIB", "(B", "(IVR", "(SBR", "(SVTA", "(T", "(VT", "NOISE", # additional, since head of each record are noisy ] # others include "\x01 Aux", "M", "MB", "MISSB", "PSE" self.rhythm_types_map = CFG({k.replace("(", ""): idx for idx, k in enumerate(self.rhythm_types)}) self.palette = kwargs.get("palette", None) if self.palette is None: n_colors = len([k for k in self.rhythm_types_map.keys() if k not in ["N", "NOISE"]]) colors = iter(cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, n_colors))) self.palette = CFG() for k in self.rhythm_types_map.keys(): if k in ["N", "NOISE"]: continue self.palette[k] = next(colors) self.beat_types = [ "A", "N", "Q", "V", # '"', "+", are not beat types ] self.palette["qrs"] = "green"
[docs] def get_subject_id(self, rec: Union[str, int]) -> int: """Attach a unique subject ID for the record. Parameters ---------- rec : str or int Record name or index of the record in :attr:`all_records`. Returns ------- int Subject ID associated with the record. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @add_docstring( PhysioNetDataBase.load_data.__doc__.replace( "leads: str or int or sequence of str or int, optional,", "leads: int or list of int, optional,", ).replace("the leads to load", "the lead number(s) to load") ) def load_data( self, rec: Union[str, int], leads: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None, sampfrom: Optional[int] = None, sampto: Optional[int] = None, data_format: str = "channel_first", units: str = "mV", fs: Optional[Real] = None, return_fs: bool = False, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, Real]]: return super().load_data(rec, leads, sampfrom, sampto, data_format, units, fs, return_fs)
[docs] def load_ann( self, rec: Union[str, int], sampfrom: Optional[int] = None, sampto: Optional[int] = None, rhythm_format: str = "interval", beat_format: str = "beat", keep_original: bool = False, ) -> dict: """Load rhythm and beat annotations of the record. Rhythm and beat annotations are stored in the `aux_note`, `symbol` attributes of corresponding annotation files. NOTE that qrs annotations (.qrs files) do NOT contain any rhythm annotations. Parameters ---------- rec : str or int Record name or index of the record in :attr:`all_records`. sampfrom : int, optional Start index of the annotations to be loaded. sampto : int, optional End index of the annotations to be loaded. rhythm_format : {"interval", "mask"}, optional Format of returned annotation, by default "interval", case insensitive. beat_format : {"beat", "dict"}, optional Format of returned annotation, by default "beat", case insensitive. keep_original : bool, default False If True, indices will keep the same with the annotation file, otherwise subtract `sampfrom` if specified. Returns ------- ann : dict The annotations of ``rhythm`` and ``beat``, with ``rhythm`` annotatoins in the format of intervals, or mask; ``beat`` annotations in the format of dict or :class:`~torch_ecg.databases.BeatAnn`. NOTE ---- At head and tail of the record, segments named "NOISE" were added. """ if isinstance(rec, int): rec = self[rec] ann = { "beat": self.load_beat_ann( rec, sampfrom, sampto, beat_format, keep_original, ), "rhythm": self.load_rhythm_ann( rec, sampfrom, sampto, rhythm_format, keep_original, ), } return ann
[docs] def load_rhythm_ann( self, rec: Union[str, int], sampfrom: Optional[int] = None, sampto: Optional[int] = None, rhythm_format: str = "interval", keep_original: bool = False, ) -> Union[Dict[str, list], np.ndarray]: """Load rhythm annotations of the record. Rhythm annotations are stored in the `aux_note` attribute of corresponding annotation files. NOTE that qrs annotations (.qrs files) do NOT contain any rhythm annotations. Parameters ---------- rec : str or int Record name or index of the record in :attr:`all_records`. sampfrom : int, optional Start index of the annotations to be loaded. sampto : int, optional End index of the annotations to be loaded. rhythm_format : {"interval", "mask"}, optional Format of returned annotation, by default "interval", case insensitive. keep_original : bool, default False If True, indices will keep the same with the annotation file, otherwise subtract `sampfrom` if specified. Returns ------- ann : dict or numpy.ndarray Annotations in the format of intervals or mask. NOTE ---- At head and tail of the record, segments named "NOISE" were added. """ if isinstance(rec, int): rec = self[rec] assert rhythm_format.lower() in [ "interval", "mask", ], f"rhythm_format must be 'interval' or 'mask', got {rhythm_format}" fp = str(self.get_absolute_path(rec)) header = wfdb.rdheader(str(fp)) sig_len = header.sig_len sf = sampfrom or 0 st = sampto or sig_len assert st > sf, "`sampto` should be greater than `sampfrom`!" simplified_fp = self.db_dir / f"{rec}_ann.json" if simplified_fp.is_file(): ann = CFG(json.loads(simplified_fp.read_text())) else: wfdb_ann = wfdb.rdann(str(fp), extension=self.manual_ann_ext) ann = CFG({k: [] for k in self.rhythm_types_map.keys()}) critical_points = wfdb_ann.sample.tolist() aux_note = wfdb_ann.aux_note start = 0 current_rhythm = "NOISE" for idx, rhythm in zip(critical_points, aux_note): if rhythm not in self.rhythm_types: continue ann[current_rhythm].append([start, idx]) current_rhythm = rhythm.replace("(", "") start = idx # all but one end with "" ("30" ends with "\x01 Aux") # i.e. none ends with (start of) valid rhythm ann[current_rhythm].append([start, critical_points[-1]]) ann["NOISE"].append([critical_points[-1], sig_len]) simplified_fp.write_text(json.dumps(ann, ensure_ascii=False)) ann = CFG({k: generalized_intervals_intersection(l_itv, [[sf, st]]) for k, l_itv in ann.items()}) ann = CFG({k: l_itv for k, l_itv in ann.items() if len(l_itv) > 0}) if rhythm_format.lower() == "mask": tmp = deepcopy(ann) ann = np.full(shape=(st - sf,), fill_value=self.rhythm_types_map.N, dtype=int) for rhythm, l_itv in tmp.items(): for itv in l_itv: ann[itv[0] - sf : itv[1] - sf] = self.rhythm_types_map[rhythm] elif not keep_original: for k, l_itv in ann.items(): ann[k] = [[itv[0] - sf, itv[1] - sf] for itv in l_itv] return ann
[docs] def load_beat_ann( self, rec: Union[str, int], sampfrom: Optional[int] = None, sampto: Optional[int] = None, beat_format: str = "beat", keep_original: bool = False, ) -> Union[Dict[str, np.ndarray], List[BeatAnn]]: """Load beat annotations of the record. Beat annotations are stored in the `symbol` attribute of corresponding annotation files. Parameters ---------- rec : str or int Record name or index of the record in :attr:`all_records`. sampfrom : int, optional Start index of the annotations to be loaded. sampto : int, optional End index of the annotations to be loaded. beat_format : {"beat", "dict"}, optional Format of returned annotation, by default "beat", case insensitive. keep_original : bool, default False If True, indices will keep the same with the annotation file, otherwise subtract `sampfrom` if specified. Returns ------- ann : dict or list Locations (indices) of the all the beat types ("A", "N", "Q", "V"). """ if isinstance(rec, int): rec = self[rec] assert beat_format.lower() in [ "beat", "dict", ], f"beat_format must be 'beat' or 'dict', got {beat_format}" fp = self.get_absolute_path(rec) header = wfdb.rdheader(str(fp)) sig_len = header.sig_len sf = sampfrom or 0 st = sampto or sig_len assert st > sf, "`sampto` should be greater than `sampfrom`!" wfdb_ann = wfdb.rdann( str(fp), extension=self.manual_ann_ext, sampfrom=sf, sampto=sampto, ) ann = CFG({k: [] for k in self.beat_types}) for idx, bt in zip(wfdb_ann.sample, wfdb_ann.symbol): if bt not in self.beat_types: continue ann[bt].append(idx) if not keep_original and sampfrom is not None: ann = CFG({k: np.array(v, dtype=int) - sf for k, v in ann.items()}) else: ann = CFG({k: np.array(v, dtype=int) for k, v in ann.items()}) if beat_format.lower() == "beat": ann = [BeatAnn(i, s) for s, l in ann.items() for i in l] return ann
[docs] def load_rpeak_indices( self, rec: Union[str, int], sampfrom: Optional[int] = None, sampto: Optional[int] = None, use_manual: bool = True, keep_original: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Load rpeak indices of the record. Rpeak indices, or equivalently qrs complex locations, are stored in the `symbol` attribute of corresponding annotation files, regardless of their beat types. Parameters ---------- rec : str or int Record name or index of the record in :attr:`all_records`. sampfrom : int, optional Start index of the annotations to be loaded. sampto : int, optional End index of the annotations to be loaded. use_manual : bool, default True If True, manually annotated beat annotations (qrs) will be used, instead of those generated by algorithms. keep_original : bool, default False If True, indices will keep the same with the annotation file, otherwise subtract `sampfrom` if specified. Returns ------- rpeak_inds : numpy.ndarray Locations (indices) of the all the rpeaks (qrs complexes). """ fp = str(self.get_absolute_path(rec)) if use_manual: ext = self.manual_ann_ext else: ext = self.auto_ann_ext wfdb_ann = wfdb.rdann( str(fp), extension=ext, sampfrom=sampfrom or 0, sampto=sampto, ) rpeak_inds = wfdb_ann.sample[np.isin(wfdb_ann.symbol, self.beat_types)] if not keep_original and sampfrom is not None: rpeak_inds = rpeak_inds - sampfrom return rpeak_inds
[docs] def plot( self, rec: Union[str, int], data: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ann: Optional[Dict[str, np.ndarray]] = None, beat_ann: Optional[Dict[str, np.ndarray]] = None, rpeak_inds: Optional[Union[Sequence[int], np.ndarray]] = None, ticks_granularity: int = 0, leads: Optional[Union[int, List[int]]] = None, sampfrom: Optional[int] = None, sampto: Optional[int] = None, same_range: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ Plot the signals of a record or external signals (units in μV), with metadata (fs, labels, tranche, etc.), possibly also along with wave delineations. Parameters ---------- rec : str or int Record name or index of the record in :attr:`all_records`. data : numpy.ndarray, optional (2-lead) ECG signal to plot, should be of the format "channel_first", and compatible with `leads`. If is not None, data of `rec` will not be used. This is useful when plotting filtered data. ann : dict, optional Rhythm annotations for `data`, covering those from annotation files, in the form of ``{k: l_itv, ...}``, where ``k`` are listed in `self.rhythm_types_map`, and ``l_itv`` are of the form of ``[[a, b], ...]``. Ignored if `data` is None beat_ann : dict, optional Beat annotations for `data`, covering those from annotation files, in the form of ``{k: l_inds, ...}``, where ``k`` are listed in `self.beat_types`, and `l_inds` are array of indices. Ignored if `data` is None. rpeak_inds : array_like, optional Indices of R peaks, covering those from annotation files. If `data` is None, then indices should be absolute indices in the record ticks_granularity : int, default 0 Granularity to plot axis ticks, the higher the more ticks. 0 (no ticks) --> 1 (major ticks) --> 2 (major + minor ticks) leads : int or List[int], optional, The lead number(s) of the data to plot. sampfrom : int, optional Start index of the data to plot. sampto : int, optional End index of the data to plot. same_range : bool, default False If True, all leads are forced to have the same y range. kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments to be passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.plot`, etc. """ if isinstance(rec, int): rec = self[rec] if "plt" not in dir(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.MultipleLocator.MAXTICKS = 3000 if leads is None or leads == "all": _leads = self.all_leads elif isinstance(leads, int): _leads = [leads] else: _leads = leads assert all([ld in self.all_leads for ld in _leads]) lead_indices = [self.all_leads.index(ld) for ld in _leads] if data is None: _data = self.load_data( rec, leads=_leads, sampfrom=sampfrom, sampto=sampto, data_format="channel_first", units="μV", ) else: units = self._auto_infer_units(data)"input data is auto detected to have units in {units}") if units.lower() == "mv": _data = 1000 * data else: _data = data _leads = list(range(_data.shape[0])) if ann is None and data is None: _ann = self.load_rhythm_ann( rec, sampfrom=sampfrom, sampto=sampto, rhythm_format="interval", keep_original=False, ) else: _ann = ann or CFG({k: [] for k in self.rhythm_types_map.keys()}) # indices to time _ann = {k: [[itv[0] / self.fs, itv[1] / self.fs] for itv in l_itv] for k, l_itv in _ann.items()} if rpeak_inds is None and data is None: _rpeak = self.load_rpeak_indices( rec, sampfrom=sampfrom, sampto=sampto, use_manual=True, keep_original=False, ) _rpeak = _rpeak / self.fs # indices to time else: _rpeak = np.array(rpeak_inds or []) / self.fs # indices to time if beat_ann is None and data is None: _beat_ann = self.load_beat_ann( rec, beat_format="dict", sampfrom=sampfrom, sampto=sampto, keep_original=False, ) else: _beat_ann = beat_ann or CFG({k: [] for k in self.beat_types}) _beat_ann = {k: [i / self.fs for i in l_inds] for k, l_inds in _beat_ann.items()} # indices to time ann_plot_alpha = 0.2 rpeaks_plot_alpha = 0.8 nb_leads = len(_leads) line_len = self.fs * 25 # 25 seconds nb_lines = math.ceil(_data.shape[1] / line_len) for seg_idx in range(nb_lines): seg_data = _data[..., seg_idx * line_len : (seg_idx + 1) * line_len] secs = (np.arange(seg_data.shape[1]) + seg_idx * line_len) / self.fs seg_ann = {k: generalized_intervals_intersection(l_itv, [[secs[0], secs[-1]]]) for k, l_itv in _ann.items()} seg_rpeaks = _rpeak[np.where((_rpeak >= secs[0]) & (_rpeak < secs[-1]))[0]] seg_beat_ann = {k: [i for i in l_inds if secs[0] <= i <= secs[-1]] for k, l_inds in _beat_ann.items()} fig_sz_w = int(round(DEFAULT_FIG_SIZE_PER_SEC * seg_data.shape[1] / self.fs)) if same_range: y_ranges = np.ones((seg_data.shape[0],)) * np.max(np.abs(seg_data)) + 100 else: y_ranges = np.max(np.abs(seg_data), axis=1) + 100 fig_sz_h = 6 * y_ranges / 1500 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nb_leads, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(fig_sz_w, np.sum(fig_sz_h))) if nb_leads == 1: axes = [axes] for idx in range(nb_leads): axes[idx].plot(secs, seg_data[idx], color="black", label=f"lead - {_leads[idx]}") axes[idx].axhline(y=0, linestyle="-", linewidth="1.0", color="red") # NOTE that `Locator` has default `MAXTICKS` equal to 1000 if ticks_granularity >= 1: axes[idx].xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.2)) axes[idx].yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(500)) axes[idx].grid(which="major", linestyle="-", linewidth="0.5", color="red") if ticks_granularity >= 2: axes[idx].xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.04)) axes[idx].yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(100)) axes[idx].grid(which="minor", linestyle=":", linewidth="0.5", color="black") for k, l_itv in seg_ann.items(): if k in ["N", "NOISE"]: continue for itv in l_itv: axes[idx].axvspan( itv[0], itv[1], color=self.palette[k], alpha=ann_plot_alpha, label=k, ) for ri in seg_rpeaks: axes[idx].axvspan( ri - 0.01, ri + 0.01, color=self.palette["qrs"], alpha=rpeaks_plot_alpha, ) for k, l_t in seg_beat_ann.items(): for t in l_t: x_pos = t + 0.05 if t + 0.05 < secs[-1] else t - 0.15 axes[idx].text(x_pos, 0.65 * y_ranges[idx], k, color="black", fontsize=16) axes[idx].legend(loc="upper left") axes[idx].set_xlim(secs[0], secs[-1]) axes[idx].set_ylim(-y_ranges[idx], y_ranges[idx]) axes[idx].set_xlabel("Time [s]") axes[idx].set_ylabel("Voltage [μV]") plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.2)
@property def database_info(self) -> DataBaseInfo: return _LTAFDB_INFO