Source code for torch_ecg.models.cnn.mobilenet

MobileNets, from V1 to V3

1. Howard, A. G., Zhu, M., Chen, B., Kalenichenko, D., Wang, W., Weyand, T., ... & Adam, H. (2017). Mobilenets: Efficient convolutional neural networks for mobile vision applications. arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.04861.
2. Sandler, M., Howard, A., Zhu, M., Zhmoginov, A., & Chen, L. C. (2018). Mobilenetv2: Inverted residuals and linear bottlenecks. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 4510-4520).
3. Howard, A., Sandler, M., Chu, G., Chen, L. C., Chen, B., Tan, M., ... & Adam, H. (2019). Searching for mobilenetv3. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 1314-1324).


import textwrap
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import repeat
from numbers import Real
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

from deprecate_kwargs import deprecate_kwargs
from torch import Tensor, nn

from ...cfg import CFG
from ...models._nets import Conv_Bn_Activation, Initializers, MultiConv, make_attention_layer
from ...utils.misc import CitationMixin, add_docstring
from ...utils.utils_nn import SizeMixin, compute_sequential_output_shape, compute_sequential_output_shape_docstring

__all__ = [

    kw_activation={"inplace": True},
    # kernel_initializer="he_normal",
    # kw_initializer={},

class MobileNetSeparableConv(nn.Sequential, SizeMixin):
    """Separable convolution.

    Similar to :class:`~torch_ecg._nets.SeparableConv`,
    the difference is that there are normalization and activation
    between depthwise conv and pointwise conv.

    in_channels : int
        Number of channels in the input tensor.
    out_channels : int
        Number of channels produced by the convolution.
    kernel_size : int
        Size (length) of the convolution kernel.
    stride : int
        Stride (subsample length) of the convolution.
    padding : int, optional
        Zero-padding added to both sides of the input.
    dilation: int, default 1
        Spacing between the kernel points.
    groups : int, default 1
        Connection pattern (of channels) of the inputs and outputs.
    norm : bool or str or torch.nn.Module, default True
        (batch) normalization, or other normalizations,
        e.g. group normalization.
        (the name of) the Module itself or
        (if is bool) whether or not to use :class:`torch.nn.BatchNorm1d`.
    activation : str or torch.nn.Module, default "relu6"
        Name or Module of the activation.
        If is str, can be one of
        "mish", "swish", "relu", "leaky", "leaky_relu",
        "linear", "hardswish", "relu6".
        "linear" is equivalent to ``activation=None``.
    kernel_initializer : str or callable, optional
        A function to initialize kernel weights of the convolution,
        or name or the initialzer,
        can be one of the keys of ``Initializers``.
    bias : bool, default True
        If True, adds a learnable bias to the output.
    depth_multiplier : int, default 1
        Multiplier of the number of output channels
        of the depthwise convolution.
    width_multiplier : float, default 1.0
        Multiplier of the number of output channels
        of the pointwise convolution.
    kwargs : dict, optional,
        Extra parameters, including :attr:`ordering`, etc.


    __name__ = "MobileNetSeparableConv"

    @deprecate_kwargs([["norm", "batch_norm"]])
    def __init__(
        in_channels: int,
        out_channels: int,
        kernel_size: int,
        stride: int,
        padding: Optional[int] = None,
        dilation: int = 1,
        groups: int = 1,
        batch_norm: Union[bool, str, nn.Module] = True,
        activation: Optional[Union[str, nn.Module]] = "relu6",
        kernel_initializer: Optional[Union[str, callable]] = None,
        bias: bool = True,
        depth_multiplier: int = 1,
        width_multiplier: float = 1.0,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> None:
        self.__in_channels = in_channels
        self.__out_channels = out_channels
        self.__kernel_size = kernel_size
        self.__stride = stride
        self.__dilation = dilation
        if padding is None:
            # "same" padding
            self.__padding = (self.__dilation * (self.__kernel_size - 1)) // 2
        elif isinstance(padding, int):
            self.__padding = padding
        self.__groups = groups
        self.__bias = bias
        ordering = kwargs.get("ordering", _DEFAULT_CONV_CONFIGS_MobileNetV1["ordering"])
        kw_initializer = kwargs.get("kw_initializer", {})
        self.__depth_multiplier = depth_multiplier
        dc_out_channels = int(self.__in_channels * self.__depth_multiplier)
        assert (
            dc_out_channels % self.__in_channels == 0
        ), f"depth_multiplier (input is {self.__depth_multiplier}) should be positive integers"
        self.__width_multiplier = width_multiplier
        self.__out_channels = int(self.__width_multiplier * self.__out_channels)
        assert (
            self.__out_channels % self.__groups == 0
        ), f"width_multiplier (input is {self.__width_multiplier}) makes `out_channels` not divisible by `groups` (= {self.__groups})"


        if kernel_initializer:
            if callable(kernel_initializer):
                for module in self:
            elif isinstance(kernel_initializer, str) and kernel_initializer.lower() in Initializers.keys():
                for module in self:
                    Initializers[kernel_initializer.lower()](module.weight, **kw_initializer)
            else:  # TODO: add more initializers
                raise ValueError(f"initializer `{kernel_initializer}` not supported")

        textwrap.indent(compute_sequential_output_shape_docstring, " " * 4),
    def compute_output_shape(
        self, seq_len: Optional[int] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None
    ) -> Sequence[Union[int, None]]:
        """Compute the output shape of the module."""
        return compute_sequential_output_shape(self, seq_len, batch_size)

[docs]class MobileNetV1(nn.Sequential, SizeMixin, CitationMixin): """MobileNet V1. Similar to :class:`~torch_ecg.models.Xception`, but without skip connections. Separable convolutions are slightly different too. normal conv --> entry flow (separable convs, down sample and double channels every other conv) --> middle flow (separable convs, no down sampling, stationary number of channels) --> exit flow (separable convs, down sample and double channels at each conv). MobileNet V1 is a light-weight model intended for mobile devices, originally proposed in [#v1]_. Parameters ---------- in_channels : int Number of channels in the input. config : dict Other hyper-parameters of the Module, ref. corresponding config file. key word arguments that have to be set in 3 sub-dict, namely in "entry_flow", "middle_flow", and "exit_flow", including - out_channels: int, number of channels of the output. - kernel_size: int, kernel size of down sampling. If not specified, defaults to `down_scale`. - groups: int, connection pattern (of channels) of the inputs and outputs. - padding: int, zero-padding added to both sides of the input. - batch_norm: bool or Module, batch normalization, the Module itself or (if is bool) whether or not to use :class:`torch.nn.BatchNorm1d`. References ---------- .. [#v1] Howard, A. G., Zhu, M., Chen, B., Kalenichenko, D., Wang, W., Weyand, T., ... & Adam, H. (2017). Mobilenets: Efficient convolutional neural networks for mobile vision applications. arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.04861. """ __name__ = "MobileNetV1" def __init__(self, in_channels: int, **config) -> None: super().__init__() self.__in_channels = in_channels self.config = CFG(deepcopy(config)) if isinstance(self.config.init_num_filters, int): init_convs = Conv_Bn_Activation( in_channels=self.__in_channels, out_channels=self.config.init_num_filters, kernel_size=self.config.init_filter_lengths, stride=self.config.init_subsample_lengths, groups=self.config.groups, norm=self.config.get("norm", self.config.get("batch_norm")), activation=self.config.activation, bias=self.config.bias, width_multiplier=self.config.width_multiplier, ) else: init_convs = MultiConv( in_channels=self.__in_channels, out_channels=self.config.init_num_filters, filter_lengths=self.config.init_filter_lengths, subsample_lengths=self.config.init_subsample_lengths, groups=self.config.groups, norm=self.config.batch_norm, activation=self.config.activation, bias=self.config.bias, width_multiplier=self.config.width_multiplier, ) self.add_module( "init_convs", init_convs, ) _, entry_flow_in_channels, _ = self.init_convs.compute_output_shape() entry_flow = self._generate_flow( in_channels=entry_flow_in_channels, depth_multiplier=self.config.depth_multiplier, width_multiplier=self.config.width_multiplier, **self.config.entry_flow, ) self.add_module("entry_flow", entry_flow) _, middle_flow_in_channels, _ = entry_flow[-1].compute_output_shape() middle_flow = self._generate_flow( in_channels=middle_flow_in_channels, depth_multiplier=self.config.depth_multiplier, width_multiplier=self.config.width_multiplier, **self.config.middle_flow, ) self.add_module("middle_flow", middle_flow) _, exit_flow_in_channels, _ = middle_flow[-1].compute_output_shape() exit_flow = self._generate_flow( in_channels=exit_flow_in_channels, depth_multiplier=self.config.depth_multiplier, width_multiplier=self.config.width_multiplier, **self.config.exit_flow, ) self.add_module( "exit_flow", exit_flow, ) def _generate_flow( self, in_channels: int, out_channels: Sequence[int], filter_lengths: Union[Sequence[int], int], subsample_lengths: Union[Sequence[int], int] = 1, dilations: Union[Sequence[int], int] = 1, groups: int = 1, batch_norm: Union[bool, str, nn.Module] = True, activation: Optional[Union[str, nn.Module]] = "relu6", depth_multiplier: int = 1, width_multiplier: float = 1.0, ordering: str = "cba", ) -> nn.Sequential: """Generate a sequential flow of modules. Parameters ---------- in_channels : int Number of channels in the input. out_channels : Sequence[int] Number of channels produced by the convolutional layers. filter_lengths : int or Sequence[int] Length(s) of the filters (kernel size). subsample_lengths int or Sequence[int] Subsample length(s) (stride(s)) of the convolutions. dilations : int or Sequence[int], default 1, Spacing between the kernel points of (each) convolutional layer. groups : int, default 1 Connection pattern (of channels) of the inputs and outputs. batch_norm : bool or str or torch.nn.Module, default True (batch) normalization, or other normalizations, e.g. group normalization. (the name of) the Module itself, or (if is bool) whether or not to use :class:`torch.nn.BatchNorm1d`. activation : str or torch.nn.Module, default "relu6" Name or Module of the activation. depth_multiplier : int, default 1 Multiplier of the number of output channels of the depthwise convolution. width_multiplier : float, default 1.0 Multiplier of the number of output channels of the pointwise convolution Returns ------- flow : torch.nn.Sequential The sequential flow of consecutive separable convolutions, each followed by batch normalization and activation. """ n_convs = len(out_channels) _filter_lengths = list(repeat(filter_lengths, n_convs)) if isinstance(filter_lengths, int) else filter_lengths _subsample_lengths = ( list(repeat(subsample_lengths, n_convs)) if isinstance(subsample_lengths, int) else subsample_lengths ) _dilations = list(repeat(dilations, n_convs)) if isinstance(dilations, int) else dilations assert n_convs == len(_filter_lengths) == len(_subsample_lengths) == len(_dilations) ic = in_channels flow = nn.Sequential() for idx, (oc, fl, sl, dl) in enumerate(zip(out_channels, _filter_lengths, _subsample_lengths, _dilations)): sc_layer = MobileNetSeparableConv( in_channels=ic, out_channels=oc, kernel_size=fl, stride=sl, dilation=dl, groups=groups, batch_norm=batch_norm, activation=activation, depth_multiplier=depth_multiplier, width_multiplier=width_multiplier, ordering=ordering, ) flow.add_module( f"separable_conv_{idx}", sc_layer, ) _, ic, _ = sc_layer.compute_output_shape() return flow
[docs] def compute_output_shape( self, seq_len: Optional[int] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None ) -> Sequence[Union[int, None]]: """Compute the output shape of the model. Parameters ---------- seq_len : int, optional Length of the input tensor. batch_size : int, optional, The batch size of the input tensor. Returns ------- output_shape : sequence Output shape of the model. """ _seq_len = seq_len _, _, _seq_len = self.init_convs.compute_output_shape(_seq_len, batch_size) for module in self.entry_flow: output_shape = module.compute_output_shape(_seq_len, batch_size) _, _, _seq_len = output_shape for module in self.middle_flow: output_shape = module.compute_output_shape(_seq_len, batch_size) _, _, _seq_len = output_shape for module in self.exit_flow: output_shape = module.compute_output_shape(_seq_len, batch_size) _, _, _seq_len = output_shape return output_shape
@property def in_channels(self) -> int: return self.__in_channels @property def doi(self) -> List[str]: return list(set(self.config.get("doi", []) + ["10.48550/ARXIV.1704.04861"]))
class InvertedResidual(nn.Module, SizeMixin): """Inverted residual block. expansion (via pointwise conv) --> depthwise conv --> pointwise conv (without activation) ---> output | | |----------------------- shortcut (only under certain condition) ----------------------| Parameters ---------- in_channels : int Number of channels in the input tensor. out_channels : int Number of channels produced by the convolution. expansion : float Expansion of the first pointwise convolution. filter_length : int Size (length) of the middle depthwise convolution kernel. stride: int Stride (subsample length) of the middle depthwise convolution. groups : int, default 1 Connection pattern (of channels) of the inputs and outputs. dilation : int, default 1 Spacing between the kernel points of (each) convolutional layer. norm : bool or str or torch.nn.Module, default True (batch) normalization, or other normalizations, e.g. group normalization. (the name of) the Module itself, or (if is bool) whether or not to use :class:`torch.nn.BatchNorm1d`. activation : str or torch.nn.Module, default "relu6" Name or Module of the activation, which is applied after convolutions, except for the last pointwise convolution. width_multiplier : float, default 1.0 Multiplier of the number of output channels of the pointwise convolution. attn : dict, optional Attention mechanism for the neck conv layers. If is None, no attention mechanism is used. Keys: - "name": str, can be "se", "gc", "nl" (alias "nonlocal", "non-local"), etc. - "pos": int, position of the attention mechanism, other keys are specific to the attention mechanism. """ __name__ = "InvertedResidual" @deprecate_kwargs([["norm", "batch_norm"]]) def __init__( self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, expansion: float, filter_length: int, stride: int, groups: int = 1, dilation: int = 1, batch_norm: Union[bool, str, nn.Module] = True, activation: Optional[Union[str, nn.Module]] = "relu6", width_multiplier: float = 1.0, attn: Optional[CFG] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.__in_channels = in_channels self.__out_channels = out_channels self.__expansion = expansion self.__mid_channels = int(round(self.__expansion * self.__in_channels)) self.__filter_length = filter_length self.__stride = stride self.__groups = groups assert self.__mid_channels % self.__groups == 0, ( f"expansion ratio (input is {self.__expansion}) makes mid-channels " f"(= {self.__mid_channels}) not divisible by `groups` (={self.__groups})" ) self.__dilation = dilation if self.__dilation > 1: self.__stride = 1 self.__width_multiplier = width_multiplier self.__attn = attn if self.__attn: self.__attn = CFG(self.__attn) self.main_stream = nn.Sequential() conv_in_channels = self.__in_channels current_pos = 0 current_pos = self._add_attn_layer_if_needed(conv_in_channels, current_pos) if self.__expansion != 1: # expand, pointwise expansion = Conv_Bn_Activation( conv_in_channels, self.__mid_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, groups=self.__groups, norm=batch_norm, activation=activation, # width_multiplier=width_multiplier, ) self.main_stream.add_module( "expansion", expansion, ) current_pos += 1 current_pos = self._add_attn_layer_if_needed(conv_in_channels, current_pos) _, conv_in_channels, _ = expansion.compute_output_shape() # depthwise convolution dw = Conv_Bn_Activation( conv_in_channels, conv_in_channels, kernel_size=self.__filter_length, stride=self.__stride, groups=conv_in_channels, dilation=self.__dilation, norm=batch_norm, activation=activation, # width_multiplier=width_multiplier, ) self.main_stream.add_module( "depthwise_conv", dw, ) current_pos += 1 current_pos = self._add_attn_layer_if_needed(conv_in_channels, current_pos) _, conv_in_channels, _ = dw.compute_output_shape() # pointwise conv without non-linearity (activation) pw_linear = Conv_Bn_Activation( conv_in_channels, self.__out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, groups=self.__groups, bias=False, norm=batch_norm, activation=None, width_multiplier=self.__width_multiplier, ) self.main_stream.add_module( "pointwise_conv", pw_linear, ) current_pos += 1 current_pos = self._add_attn_layer_if_needed(conv_in_channels, current_pos) _, self.__out_channels, _ = pw_linear.compute_output_shape() def _add_attn_layer_if_needed(self, in_channels: int, current_pos: int) -> int: """Add attention layer. Add attention layer at the position specified by `self.__attn.pos`. Parameters ---------- in_channels : int Number of channels in the input tensor. current_pos : int Position of the current layer. Returns ------- int Position of the next layer. """ if self.__attn and self.__attn["pos"] == current_pos: self.main_stream.add_module( self.__attn["name"], make_attention_layer(in_channels, **self.__attn), ) return current_pos + 1 return current_pos def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Forward pass. Parameters ---------- input : torch.Tensor Input tensor, of shape ``(batch_size, n_channels, seq_len)``. Returns ------- out : torch.Tensor Output tensor, of shape ``(batch_size, n_channels, seq_len)``. """ out = self.main_stream(input) if self.__stride == 1 and self.__in_channels == self.__out_channels: # NOTE the condition that skip connections are done # which is different from ResNet out = out + input return out def compute_output_shape( self, seq_len: Optional[int] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None ) -> Sequence[Union[int, None]]: """Compute the output shape of the Module. Parameters ---------- seq_len : int, optional Length of the input tensor. batch_size : int, optional The batch size of the input tensor. Returns ------- output_shape : sequence Output shape of the Module. """ _seq_len = seq_len for module in self.main_stream: if isinstance(module, nn.Dropout): continue output_shape = module.compute_output_shape(_seq_len, batch_size) _, _, _seq_len = output_shape return output_shape
[docs]class MobileNetV2(nn.Sequential, SizeMixin, CitationMixin): """MobileNet V2. MobileNet V2 is an upgraded version of MobileNet V1, originally proposed in [#v2]_. It uses inverted residual blocks instead of the original residual blocks. Torchvision's implementation [#v2_pt] and Keras' implementation [#v2_keras]_ are used as references. Parameters ---------- in_channels : int Number of channels in the input signal tensor. config : dict Other hyper-parameters of the Module, ref. corr. config file keyword arguments that have to be set are as follows: - groups: int, number of groups in the pointwise convolutional layer(s). - norm: bool or str or Module, normalization layer. - activation: str or Module, activation layer. - bias: bool, whether to use bias in the convolutional layer(s). - width_multiplier: float, multiplier of the number of output channels of the pointwise convolution. - stem: CFG, config of the stem block, with the following keys: - num_filters: int or Sequence[int], number of filters in the first convolutional layer(s). - filter_lengths: int or Sequence[int], filter lengths (kernel sizes) in the first convolutional layer(s). - subsample_lengths: int or Sequence[int], subsample lengths (strides) in the first convolutional layer(s). - inv_res: CFG, Config of the inverted residual blocks, with the following keys: - expansions: Sequence[int], expansion ratios of the inverted residual blocks. - out_channels: Sequence[int], number of output channels in each block. - n_blocks: Sequence[int], number of inverted residual blocks. - strides: Sequence[int], strides of the inverted residual blocks. - filter_lengths: Sequence[int], filter lengths (kernel sizes) in each block. - exit_flow: CFG, Config of the exit flow blocks, with the following keys: - num_filters: int or Sequence[int], number of filters in the final convolutional layer(s). - filter_lengths: int or Sequence[int], filter lengths (kernel sizes) in the final convolutional layer(s). - subsample_lengths: int or Sequence[int], subsample lengths (strides) in the final convolutional layer(s). References ---------- .. [#v2] Sandler, M., Howard, A., Zhu, M., Zhmoginov, A., & Chen, L. C. (2018). Mobilenetv2: Inverted residuals and linear bottlenecks. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 4510-4520). .. [#v2_pt] .. [#v2_keras] """ __name__ = "MobileNetV2" def __init__(self, in_channels: int, **config: CFG) -> None: super().__init__() self.__in_channels = in_channels self.config = CFG(deepcopy(config)) # stem if isinstance(self.config.stem.num_filters, int): stem = Conv_Bn_Activation( in_channels=self.__in_channels, out_channels=self.config.stem.num_filters, kernel_size=self.config.stem.filter_lengths, stride=self.config.stem.subsample_lengths, groups=self.config.groups, norm=self.config.get("norm", self.config.get("batch_norm")), activation=self.config.activation, bias=self.config.bias, width_multiplier=self.config.width_multiplier, ) else: stem = MultiConv( in_channels=self.__in_channels, out_channels=self.config.stem.num_filters, filter_lengths=self.config.stem.filter_lengths, subsample_lengths=self.config.stem.subsample_lengths, groups=self.config.groups, norm=self.config.get("norm", self.config.get("batch_norm")), activation=self.config.activation, bias=self.config.bias, width_multiplier=self.config.width_multiplier, ) self.add_module( "stem", stem, ) # inverted residual blocks inv_res_cfg = zip( self.config.inv_res.expansions, self.config.inv_res.out_channels, self.config.inv_res.n_blocks, self.config.inv_res.strides, self.config.inv_res.filter_lengths, ) _, inv_res_in_channels, _ = stem.compute_output_shape() idx = 0 for t, c, n, s, k in inv_res_cfg: # t: expansion # c: output channels # n: number of blocks # s: stride # k: kernel size for i in range(n): inv_res_blk = InvertedResidual( inv_res_in_channels, out_channels=c, expansion=t, filter_length=k, stride=s if i == 0 else 1, groups=self.config.groups, norm=self.config.get("norm", self.config.get("batch_norm")), activation=self.config.activation, width_multiplier=self.config.width_multiplier, ) self.add_module( f"inv_res_{idx}", inv_res_blk, ) _, inv_res_in_channels, _ = inv_res_blk.compute_output_shape() idx += 1 # exit_flow # no alpha applied to last conv as stated in the paper if isinstance(self.config.exit_flow.num_filters, int): exit_flow = Conv_Bn_Activation( in_channels=inv_res_in_channels, out_channels=self.config.exit_flow.num_filters, kernel_size=self.config.exit_flow.filter_lengths, stride=self.config.exit_flow.subsample_lengths, groups=self.config.groups, norm=self.config.get("norm", self.config.get("batch_norm")), activation=self.config.activation, bias=self.config.bias, width_multiplier=max(1.0, self.config.width_multiplier), ) else: exit_flow = MultiConv( in_channels=self.__in_channels, out_channels=self.config.exit_flow.num_filters, filter_lengths=self.config.exit_flow.filter_lengths, subsample_lengths=self.config.exit_flow.subsample_length, groups=self.config.groups, norm=self.config.get("norm", self.config.get("batch_norm")), activation=self.config.activation, bias=self.config.bias, width_multiplier=max(1.0, self.config.width_multiplier), ) self.add_module( "exit_flow", exit_flow, )
[docs] @add_docstring( textwrap.indent(compute_sequential_output_shape_docstring, " " * 4), mode="append", ) def compute_output_shape( self, seq_len: Optional[int] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None ) -> Sequence[Union[int, None]]: """Compute the output shape of the model.""" return compute_sequential_output_shape(self, seq_len, batch_size)
@property def in_channels(self) -> int: return self.__in_channels @property def doi(self) -> List[str]: return list(set(self.config.get("doi", []) + ["10.1109/cvpr.2018.00474"]))
class InvertedResidualBlock(nn.Sequential, SizeMixin): """Inverted residual block. Parameters ---------- in_channels : int Number of input channels. n_blocks : int Number of inverted residual blocks. expansion : float or Sequence[float] Expansion ratios of the inverted residual blocks. filter_length : int or Sequence[int] Filter length of the depthwise convolution in the inverted residual blocks. stride : int or Sequence[int], optional Stride of the depthwise convolution in the inverted residual blocks, defaults to ``[2] + [1] * (n_blocks - 1)``. groups : int, default 1 Number of groups in the expansion and pointwise convolution in the inverted residual blocks. dilation : int or Sequence[int], default 1 Dilation of the depthwise convolution in the inverted residual blocks. norm : bool or str or torch.nn.Module, default True Normalization layer to use, defaults to batch normalization. activation : str or torch.nn.Module or Sequence[str] or Sequence[torch.nn.Module], default "relu" Activation function to use. width_multiplier : float or Sequence[float], default 1.0 Width multiplier of the inverted residual blocks. out_channels : int or Sequence[int], optional Number of output channels of the inverted residual blocks, defaults to ``2 * in_channels``. attn : CFG or Sequence[CFG], optional Config of attention layer to use, defaults to None. """ __name__ = "InvertedResidualBlock" @deprecate_kwargs([["norm", "batch_norm"]]) def __init__( self, in_channels: int, n_blocks: int, expansion: Union[float, Sequence[float]], filter_length: Union[int, Sequence[int]], stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = None, groups: int = 1, dilation: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1, batch_norm: Union[bool, str, nn.Module] = True, activation: Optional[Union[str, nn.Module, Sequence[Union[str, nn.Module]]]] = "relu", width_multiplier: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 1.0, out_channels: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = None, attn: Optional[Union[CFG, Sequence[CFG]]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.__in_channels = in_channels self.__n_blocks = n_blocks self.__expansion = expansion if isinstance(expansion, Real): self.__expansion = list(repeat(expansion, self.n_blocks)) else: self.__expansion = expansion assert len(self.__expansion) == self.n_blocks, f"expansion must be an integer or a sequence of length {self.n_blocks}" if isinstance(filter_length, int): self.__filter_length = list(repeat(filter_length, self.n_blocks)) else: self.__filter_length = filter_length assert ( len(self.__filter_length) == self.n_blocks ), f"filter_length must be an integer or a sequence of length {self.n_blocks}" if stride is None: self.__stride = [2] + list(repeat(1, self.n_blocks - 1)) elif isinstance(stride, int): self.__stride = list(repeat(stride, self.n_blocks)) else: self.__stride = stride assert len(self.__stride) == self.n_blocks, f"stride must be an integer or a sequence of length {self.n_blocks}" self.__groups = groups if isinstance(dilation, int): self.__dilation = list(repeat(dilation, self.n_blocks)) else: self.__dilation = dilation assert len(self.__dilation) == self.n_blocks, f"dilation must be an integer or a sequence of length {self.n_blocks}" self.__batch_norm = batch_norm if isinstance(activation, (str, nn.Module)): self.__activation = [deepcopy(activation) for _ in range(self.n_blocks)] else: self.__activation = activation assert ( len(self.__activation) == self.n_blocks ), f"activation must be a string or Module or a sequence of length {self.n_blocks}" if isinstance(width_multiplier, float): self.__width_multiplier = list(repeat(width_multiplier, self.n_blocks)) else: self.__width_multiplier = width_multiplier assert ( len(self.__width_multiplier) == self.n_blocks ), f"width_multiplier must be a float or a sequence of length {self.n_blocks}" if out_channels is None: self.__out_channels = list(repeat(2 * in_channels, self.n_blocks)) elif isinstance(out_channels, int): self.__out_channels = list(repeat(out_channels, self.n_blocks)) else: self.__out_channels = out_channels assert ( len(self.__out_channels) == self.n_blocks ), f"out_channels must be an integer or a sequence of length {self.n_blocks}" if attn is None or isinstance(attn, CFG): self.__attn = [deepcopy(attn) for _ in range(self.n_blocks)] else: self.__attn = attn assert len(self.__attn) == self.n_blocks, f"attn must be a CFG or a sequence of length {self.n_blocks}" ivt_res_in_channels = self.__in_channels for idx, exp in enumerate(self.__expansion): self.add_module( f"inv_res_{idx}", InvertedResidual( in_channels=ivt_res_in_channels, out_channels=self.__out_channels[idx], expansion=exp, filter_length=self.__filter_length[idx], stride=self.__stride[idx] if idx == 0 else 1, dilation=self.__dilation[idx], groups=self.__groups, norm=self.__batch_norm, activation=self.__activation[idx], width_multiplier=self.__width_multiplier[idx], attn=self.__attn[idx], ), ) ivt_res_in_channels = self.__out_channels[idx] @property def n_blocks(self) -> int: return self.__n_blocks @add_docstring( textwrap.indent(compute_sequential_output_shape_docstring, " " * 4), mode="append", ) def compute_output_shape( self, seq_len: Optional[int] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None ) -> Sequence[Union[int, None]]: """Compute the output shape of the block.""" return compute_sequential_output_shape(self, seq_len, batch_size) class MobileNetV3_STEM(nn.Sequential, SizeMixin): """Stem block of MobileNet V3. Parameters ---------- in_channels : int Number of channels in the input tensor. groups : int, default 1 Number of groups in the expansion and pointwise convolution. bias : bool, default True Whether to use bias in the convolutional layer(s). norm : bool or str or torch.nn.Module, default True Normalization layer to use, defaults to batch normalization. activation : str or torch.nn.Module or Sequence[str] or Sequence[torch.nn.Module], default "relu" Activation function to use. width_multiplier : float or Sequence[float], default 1.0 Width multiplier of the inverted residual blocks. config : CFG, optional Config of the stem block, with the following items: - num_filters: int or Sequence[int], number of filters in the first convolutional layer(s). - filter_lengths: int or Sequence[int], filter lengths (kernel sizes) in the first convolutional layer(s). - subsample_lengths: int or Sequence[int], subsample lengths (strides) in the first convolutional layer(s). """ __name__ = "MobileNetV3_STEM" @deprecate_kwargs([["norm", "batch_norm"]]) def __init__( self, in_channels: int, groups: int = 1, bias: bool = True, batch_norm: Union[bool, str, nn.Module] = True, activation: Optional[Union[str, nn.Module, Sequence[Union[str, nn.Module]]]] = "relu", width_multiplier: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 1.0, **config: CFG, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.__in_channels = in_channels self.config = CFG(deepcopy(config)) if isinstance(self.config.num_filters, int): out_channels = self.config.num_filters else: out_channels = self.config.num_filters[0] self.add_module( "init_conv", Conv_Bn_Activation( in_channels=self.__in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=self.config.filter_lengths, stride=self.config.subsample_lengths, groups=groups, norm=batch_norm, activation=activation, bias=bias, width_multiplier=width_multiplier, ), ) in_channels = out_channels if not isinstance(self.config.num_filters, int): for idx, out_channels in enumerate(self.config.num_filters[1:]): inv_res = InvertedResidual( in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, expansion=1.0, filter_length=self.config.filter_lengths, stride=1, groups=groups, dilation=1, norm=batch_norm, activation=activation, ) self.add_module(f"inv_res_{idx}", inv_res) _, in_channels, _ = inv_res.compute_output_shape() @add_docstring( textwrap.indent(compute_sequential_output_shape_docstring, " " * 4), mode="append", ) def compute_output_shape( self, seq_len: Optional[int] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None ) -> Sequence[Union[int, None]]: """Compute the output shape of the stem block.""" return compute_sequential_output_shape(self, seq_len, batch_size)
[docs]class MobileNetV3(nn.Sequential, SizeMixin, CitationMixin): """MobileNet V3. MobileNet V3 [#v3]_ is an incremental improvement of MobileNet series. MobileNet V3 uses neural architecture search instead of hand-designed architectures to find the optimal network structure. MobileNet V3 has implementions in Torchvision [#v3_pt]_, which serves as a reference for this implementation for ECG tasks. Parameters ---------- in_channels : int Number of channels in the input signal tensor. config : dict Other hyper-parameters of the Module, ref. corr. config file. Keyword arguments that must be set: - groups: int, number of groups in the convolutional layer(s) other than depthwise convolutions. - norm: bool or str or Module, normalization layer. - bias: bool, whether to use bias in the convolutional layer(s). - width_multiplier: float, multiplier of the number of output channels of the pointwise convolution. - stem: CFG, config of the stem block, with the following keys: - num_filters: int or Sequence[int], number of filters in the first convolutional layer(s). - filter_lengths: int or Sequence[int], filter lengths (kernel sizes) in the first convolutional layer(s). - subsample_lengths: int or Sequence[int], subsample lengths (strides) in the first convolutional layer(s). - inv_res: CFG, config of the inverted residual blocks, with the following keys: - in_channels: Sequence[int], number of input channels. - n_blocks: Sequence[int], number of inverted residual blocks. - expansions: sequence of floats or sequence of sequence of floats, expansion ratios of the inverted residual blocks. - filter_lengths: sequence of ints or sequence of sequence of ints, filter length of the depthwise convolution in the inverted residual blocks. - stride: sequence of ints or sequence of sequence of ints, optional, stride of the depthwise convolution in the inverted residual blocks, defaults to ``[2] + [1] * (n_blocks - 1)``. - groups: int, default 1, number of groups in the expansion and pointwise convolution in the inverted residual blocks. - dilation: sequence of ints or sequence of sequence of ints, optional, dilation of the depthwise convolution in the inverted residual blocks. - batch_norm: bool or str or nn.Module, default True, normalization layer to use, defaults to batch normalization. - activation: str or nn.Module or sequence of str or torch.nn.Module, activation function to use. - width_multiplier: float or sequence of floats, default 1.0, width multiplier of the inverted residual blocks. - out_channels: sequence of ints or sequence of Sequence[int], optional, number of output channels of the inverted residual blocks, defaults to ``2 * in_channels``. - attn: sequence of CFG or sequence of sequence of CFG, optional, config of attention layer to use, defaults to None. - exit_flow: CFG, config of the exit flow blocks, with the following keys: - num_filters: int or Sequence[int], number of filters in the final convolutional layer(s). - filter_lengths: int or Sequence[int], filter lengths (kernel sizes) in the final convolutional layer(s). - subsample_lengths: int or Sequence[int], subsample lengths (strides) in the final convolutional layer(s). References ---------- .. [#v3] Howard, A., Sandler, M., Chu, G., Chen, L. C., Chen, B., Tan, M., ... & Adam, H. (2019). Searching for mobilenetv3. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 1314-1324). .. [#v3_pt] """ __name__ = "MobileNetV3" def __init__(self, in_channels: int, **config: CFG) -> None: super().__init__() self.__in_channels = in_channels self.config = CFG(deepcopy(config)) # stem self.add_module( "stem", MobileNetV3_STEM( in_channels=in_channels, groups=self.config.groups, bias=self.config.bias, norm=self.config.get("norm", self.config.get("batch_norm")), activation=self.config.activation, width_multiplier=self.config.width_multiplier, **self.config.stem, ), ) # inverted residual blocks _, inv_res_in_channels, _ = self.stem.compute_output_shape() strides = self.config.inv_res.get("strides", list(repeat(None, len(self.config.inv_res.n_blocks)))) out_channels = self.config.inv_res.get("out_channels", list(repeat(None, len(self.config.inv_res.n_blocks)))) for idx, n_blocks in enumerate(self.config.inv_res.n_blocks): block = InvertedResidualBlock( in_channels=inv_res_in_channels, n_blocks=n_blocks, expansion=self.config.inv_res.expansions[idx], filter_length=self.config.inv_res.filter_lengths[idx], stride=strides[idx], groups=self.config.inv_res.groups, dilation=self.config.inv_res.dilations[idx], norm=self.config.get("norm", self.config.get("batch_norm")), activation=self.config.inv_res.activations[idx], bias=self.config.bias, width_multiplier=self.config.width_multiplier, out_channels=out_channels[idx], attn=self.config.inv_res.attns[idx], ) self.add_module( f"block_{idx}", block, ) _, inv_res_in_channels, _ = block.compute_output_shape() # exit_flow # no alpha applied to last conv as stated in the paper if isinstance(self.config.exit_flow.num_filters, int): exit_flow = Conv_Bn_Activation( in_channels=inv_res_in_channels, out_channels=self.config.exit_flow.num_filters, kernel_size=self.config.exit_flow.filter_lengths, stride=self.config.exit_flow.subsample_lengths, groups=self.config.groups, norm=self.config.get("norm", self.config.get("batch_norm")), activation=self.config.activation, bias=self.config.bias, width_multiplier=max(1.0, self.config.width_multiplier), ) else: exit_flow = MultiConv( in_channels=self.__in_channels, out_channels=self.config.exit_flow.num_filters, filter_lengths=self.config.exit_flow.filter_lengths, subsample_lengths=self.config.exit_flow.subsample_length, groups=self.config.groups, norm=self.config.get("norm", self.config.get("batch_norm")), activation=self.config.activation, bias=self.config.bias, width_multiplier=max(1.0, self.config.width_multiplier), ) self.add_module( "exit_flow", exit_flow, )
[docs] @add_docstring( textwrap.indent(compute_sequential_output_shape_docstring, " " * 4), mode="append", ) def compute_output_shape( self, seq_len: Optional[int] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None ) -> Sequence[Union[int, None]]: """Compute the output shape of the model.""" return compute_sequential_output_shape(self, seq_len, batch_size)
@property def in_channels(self) -> int: return self.__in_channels @property def doi(self) -> List[str]: return list(set(self.config.get("doi", []) + ["10.1109/iccv.2019.00140"]))