Source code for torch_ecg.utils.utils_metrics

"""Utilities for computing metrics.

NOTE that only the widely used metrics are implemented here,
challenge (e.g. CinC, CPSC series) specific metrics are not included.


import warnings
from numbers import Real
from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import einops
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import Tensor

from ..cfg import DEFAULTS
from .misc import add_docstring
from .utils_data import ECGWaveForm, ECGWaveFormNames, masks_to_waveforms

__all__ = [

[docs]def top_n_accuracy( labels: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], outputs: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], n: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1, ) -> Union[float, Dict[str, float]]: """Compute top n accuracy. Parameters ---------- labels : numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor Labels of class indices, of shape ``(batch_size,)`` or ``(batch_size, d_1, ..., d_m)``. outputs : numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor Predicted probabilities, of shape ``(batch_size, num_classes)`` or ``(batch_size, d_1, ..., d_m, num_classes)`` or ``(batch_size, num_classes, d_1, ..., d_m)``. n : int or List[int] Top n to be considered. Returns ------- acc : float or dict of float Top n accuracy. Examples -------- >>> from torch_ecg.cfg import DEFAULTS >>> labels, outputs = DEFAULTS.RNG_randint(0, 9, (100)), DEFAULTS.RNG.uniform(0, 1, (100, 10)) # 100 samples, 10 classes >>> top_n_accuracy(labels, outputs, 3) 0.32 >>> top_n_accuracy(labels, outputs, [1,3,5]) {'top_1_acc': 0.12, 'top_3_acc': 0.32, 'top_5_acc': 0.52} """ assert outputs.shape[0] == labels.shape[0], "outputs and labels must have the same batch size" labels, outputs = torch.as_tensor(labels), torch.as_tensor(outputs) batch_size, n_classes, *extra_dims = outputs.shape if isinstance(n, int): ln = [n] else: ln = n acc = {} for _n in ln: key = f"top_{_n}_acc" _, indices = torch.topk(outputs, _n, dim=1) # of shape (batch_size, n) or (batch_size, n, d_1, ..., d_n) pattern = " ".join([f"d_{i+1}" for i in range(len(extra_dims))]) pattern = f"batch_size {pattern} -> batch_size n {pattern}" correct = torch.sum(indices == einops.repeat(labels, pattern, n=_n)) acc[key] = correct.item() / outputs.shape[0] for d in extra_dims: acc[key] = acc[key] / d if len(ln) == 1: return acc[key] return acc
[docs]def confusion_matrix( labels: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], outputs: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], num_classes: Optional[int] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Compute a binary confusion matrix The columns are ground truth labels and rows are predicted labels. Parameters ---------- labels : numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor Binary labels, of shape ``(n_samples, n_classes)``, or indices of each label class, of shape ``(n_samples,)``. outputs : numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor Binary outputs, of shape ``(n_samples, n_classes)``, or indices of each class predicted, of shape ``(n_samples,)``. num_classes : int, optional Number of classes. If `labels` and `outputs` are both of shape ``(n_samples,)``, then `num_classes` must be specified. Returns ------- cm : numpy.ndarray Confusion matrix, of shape ``(n_classes, n_classes)``. """ labels, outputs = cls_to_bin(labels, outputs, num_classes) assert np.shape(labels) == np.shape(outputs), "labels and outputs must have the same shape" assert all([value in (0, 1) for value in np.unique(labels)]), "labels must be binary" assert all([value in (0, 1) for value in np.unique(outputs)]), "outputs must be binary" num_samples, num_classes = np.shape(labels) cm = np.zeros((num_classes, num_classes)) for k in range(num_samples): i = np.argmax(outputs[k, :]) j = np.argmax(labels[k, :]) cm[i, j] += 1 return cm
def one_vs_rest_confusion_matrix( labels: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], outputs: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], num_classes: Optional[int] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Compute binary one-vs-rest confusion matrices. Columns are ground truth labels and rows are predicted labels. Parameters ---------- labels : numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor Binary labels, of shape ``(n_samples, n_classes)``, or indices of each label class, of shape ``(n_samples,)``. outputs : numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor Binary outputs, of shape ``(n_samples, n_classes)``, or indices of each class predicted, of shape ``(n_samples,)``. num_classes : int, optional number of classes. If `labels` and `outputs` are both of shape ``(n_samples,)``, then `num_classes` must be specified. Returns ------- ovr_cm : numpy.ndarray One-vs-rest confusion matrix, of shape ``(n_classes, 2, 2)``. """ labels, outputs = cls_to_bin(labels, outputs, num_classes) assert np.shape(labels) == np.shape(outputs), "labels and outputs must have the same shape" assert all([value in (0, 1) for value in np.unique(labels)]), "labels must be binary" assert all([value in (0, 1) for value in np.unique(outputs)]), "outputs must be binary" num_samples, num_classes = np.shape(labels) ovr_cm = np.zeros((num_classes, 2, 2)) for i in range(num_samples): for j in range(num_classes): if labels[i, j] == 1 and outputs[i, j] == 1: # TP ovr_cm[j, 0, 0] += 1 elif labels[i, j] == 0 and outputs[i, j] == 1: # FP ovr_cm[j, 0, 1] += 1 elif labels[i, j] == 1 and outputs[i, j] == 0: # FN ovr_cm[j, 1, 0] += 1 elif labels[i, j] == 0 and outputs[i, j] == 0: # TN ovr_cm[j, 1, 1] += 1 return ovr_cm # alias ovr_confusion_matrix = one_vs_rest_confusion_matrix _METRICS_FROM_CONFUSION_MATRIX_PARAMS = """ Compute macro {metric}, and {metrics} for each class. Parameters ---------- labels : numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor Binary labels, of shape ``(n_samples, n_classes)``, or indices of each label class, of shape ``(n_samples,)``. outputs : numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor Probability outputs, of shape ``(n_samples, n_classes)``, or binary outputs, of shape ``(n_samples, n_classes)``, or indices of each class predicted, of shape ``(n_samples,)``. num_classes : int, optional Number of classes. If `labels` and `outputs` are both of shape ``(n_samples,)``, then `num_classes` must be specified. weights : numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor, optional Weights for each class, of shape ``(n_classes,)``, used to compute macro {metric}. thr : float, default: 0.5 Threshold for binary classification, valid only if `outputs` is of shape ``(n_samples, n_classes)``. fillna : bool or float, default: 0.0 If is False, then NaN will be left in the result. If is True, then NaN will be filled with 0.0. If is a float, then NaN will be filled with the specified value. """
[docs]@add_docstring( _METRICS_FROM_CONFUSION_MATRIX_PARAMS.format(metric="metrics", metrics="metrics"), "prepend", ) def metrics_from_confusion_matrix( labels: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], outputs: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], num_classes: Optional[int] = None, weights: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, Tensor]] = None, thr: float = 0.5, fillna: Union[bool, float] = 0.0, ) -> Dict[str, Union[float, np.ndarray]]: """ Returns ------- metrics : dict Metrics computed from the one-vs-rest confusion matrix. Examples -------- >>> from torch_ecg.cfg import DEFAULTS >>> # binary labels (100 samples, 10 classes, multi-label) >>> labels = DEFAULTS.RNG_randint(0, 1, (100, 10)) >>> # probability outputs (100 samples, 10 classes, multi-label) >>> outputs = DEFAULTS.RNG.random((100, 10)) >>> metrics = metrics_from_confusion_matrix(labels, outputs) >>> # binarize outputs (100 samples, 10 classes, multi-label) >>> outputs = DEFAULTS.RNG_randint(0, 1, (100, 10)) >>> # would raise >>> # RuntimeWarning: `outputs` is probably binary, AUC may be incorrect >>> metrics = metrics_from_confusion_matrix(labels, outputs) >>> # categorical outputs (100 samples, 10 classes) >>> outputs = DEFAULTS.RNG_randint(0, 9, (100,)) >>> # would raise >>> # RuntimeWarning: `outputs` is probably binary, AUC may be incorrect >>> metrics = metrics_from_confusion_matrix(labels, outputs) """ outputs_ndim = np.ndim(outputs) labels, outputs = cls_to_bin(labels, outputs, num_classes) num_samples, num_classes = np.shape(labels) # probability outputs to binary outputs bin_outputs = np.zeros_like(outputs, dtype=int) bin_outputs[outputs >= thr] = 1 bin_outputs[outputs < thr] = 0 if np.unique(outputs).size == 2: warnings.warn("`outputs` is probably binary, AUC may be incorrect", RuntimeWarning) ovr_cm = ovr_confusion_matrix(labels, bin_outputs) # sens: sensitivity, recall, hit rate, or true positive rate # spec: specificity, selectivity or true negative rate # prec: precision or positive predictive value # npv: negative predictive value # jac: jaccard index, threat score, or critical success index # acc: accuracy # phi: phi coefficient, or matthews correlation coefficient # NOTE: never use repeat here, because it will cause bugs # sens, spec, prec, npv, jac, acc, phi = list(repeat(np.zeros(num_classes), 7)) sens, spec, prec, npv, jac, acc, phi = [np.zeros(num_classes) for _ in range(7)] auroc = np.zeros(num_classes) # area under the receiver-operater characteristic curve (ROC AUC) auprc = np.zeros(num_classes) # area under the precision-recall curve for k in range(num_classes): tp, fp, fn, tn = ( ovr_cm[k, 0, 0], ovr_cm[k, 0, 1], ovr_cm[k, 1, 0], ovr_cm[k, 1, 1], ) if tp + fn > 0: sens[k] = tp / (tp + fn) else: sens[k] = float("nan") if tp + fp > 0: prec[k] = tp / (tp + fp) else: prec[k] = float("nan") if tn + fp > 0: spec[k] = tn / (tn + fp) else: spec[k] = float("nan") if tn + fn > 0: npv[k] = tn / (tn + fn) else: npv[k] = float("nan") if tp + fn + fp > 0: jac[k] = tp / (tp + fn + fp) else: jac[k] = float("nan") acc[k] = (tp + tn) / num_samples phi[k] = (tp * tn - fp * fn) / np.sqrt((tp + fp) * (tp + fn) * (tn + fp) * (tn + fn)) if outputs_ndim == 1: auroc[k] = np.nan auprc[k] = np.nan continue thresholds = np.unique(outputs[:, k]) thresholds = np.append(thresholds, thresholds[-1] + 1) thresholds = thresholds[::-1] num_thresholds = len(thresholds) # Initialize the TPs, FPs, FNs, and TNs. tp = np.zeros(num_thresholds) fp = np.zeros(num_thresholds) fn = np.zeros(num_thresholds) tn = np.zeros(num_thresholds) fn[0] = np.sum(labels[:, k] == 1) tn[0] = np.sum(labels[:, k] == 0) # Find the indices that result in sorted output values. idx = np.argsort(outputs[:, k])[::-1] # Compute the TPs, FPs, FNs, and TNs for class k across thresholds. i = 0 for j in range(1, num_thresholds): # Initialize TPs, FPs, FNs, and TNs using values at previous threshold. tp[j] = tp[j - 1] fp[j] = fp[j - 1] fn[j] = fn[j - 1] tn[j] = tn[j - 1] # Update the TPs, FPs, FNs, and TNs at i-th output value. while i < num_samples and outputs[idx[i], k] >= thresholds[j]: if labels[idx[i], k]: tp[j] += 1 fn[j] -= 1 else: fp[j] += 1 tn[j] -= 1 i += 1 # Summarize the TPs, FPs, FNs, and TNs for class k. tpr_ = np.zeros(num_thresholds) tnr_ = np.zeros(num_thresholds) ppv_ = np.zeros(num_thresholds) for j in range(num_thresholds): if tp[j] + fn[j]: tpr_[j] = float(tp[j]) / float(tp[j] + fn[j]) else: tpr_[j] = float("nan") if fp[j] + tn[j]: tnr_[j] = float(tn[j]) / float(fp[j] + tn[j]) else: tnr_[j] = float("nan") if tp[j] + fp[j]: ppv_[j] = float(tp[j]) / float(tp[j] + fp[j]) else: ppv_[j] = float("nan") # Compute AUROC as the area under a piecewise linear function with TPR/ # sensitivity (x-axis) and TNR/specificity (y-axis) and AUPRC as the area # under a piecewise constant with TPR/recall (x-axis) and PPV/precision # (y-axis) for class k. for j in range(num_thresholds - 1): auroc[k] += 0.5 * (tpr_[j + 1] - tpr_[j]) * (tnr_[j + 1] + tnr_[j]) auprc[k] += (tpr_[j + 1] - tpr_[j]) * ppv_[j + 1] fnr = 1 - sens # false negative rate, miss rate fpr = 1 - spec # false positive rate, fall-out fdr = 1 - prec # false discovery rate for_ = 1 - npv # false omission rate plr = sens / fpr # positive likelihood ratio nlr = fnr / spec # negative likelihood ratio pt = np.sqrt(fpr) / (np.sqrt(sens) + np.sqrt(fpr)) # prevalence threshold ba = (sens + spec) / 2 # balanced accuracy f1 = 2 * sens * prec / (sens + prec) # f1-measure fm = np.sqrt(prec * sens) # fowlkes-mallows index bm = sens + spec - 1 # informedness, bookmaker informedness mk = prec + npv - 1 # markedness dor = plr / nlr # diagnostic odds ratio if weights is None: _weights = np.ones(num_classes) else: _weights = weights / np.mean(weights) metrics = {} for m in [ "sens", # sensitivity, recall, hit rate, or true positive rate "spec", # specificity, selectivity or true negative rate "prec", # precision or positive predictive value "npv", # negative predictive value "jac", # jaccard index, threat score, or critical success index "acc", # accuracy "phi", # phi coefficient, or matthews correlation coefficient "fnr", # false negative rate, miss rate "fpr", # false positive rate, fall-out "fdr", # false discovery rate "for_", # false omission rate "plr", # positive likelihood ratio "nlr", # negative likelihood ratio "pt", # prevalence threshold "ba", # balanced accuracy "f1", # f1-measure "fm", # fowlkes-mallows index "bm", # bookmaker informedness "mk", # markedness "dor", # diagnostic odds ratio "auroc", # area under the receiver-operater characteristic curve (ROC AUC) "auprc", # area under the precision-recall curve ]: metrics[m.strip("_")] = eval(m) # convert to Python float from numpy float if possible metrics[f"macro_{m}".strip("_")] = ( np.nanmean(eval(m) * _weights).item() if np.any(np.isfinite(eval(m))) else float("nan") ) if fillna is not False: if isinstance(fillna, bool): fillna = 0.0 assert 0 <= fillna <= 1, "fillna must be in [0, 1]" for m in metrics: if isinstance(metrics[m], np.ndarray): metrics[m][np.isnan(metrics[m])] = fillna elif np.isnan(metrics[m]): metrics[m] = fillna return metrics
@add_docstring( _METRICS_FROM_CONFUSION_MATRIX_PARAMS.format(metric="F1-measure", metrics="F1-measures"), "prepend", ) def f_measure( labels: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], outputs: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], num_classes: Optional[int] = None, weights: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, Tensor]] = None, thr: float = 0.5, fillna: Union[bool, float] = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]: """ Returns ------- macro_f1 : float Macro-averaged F1-measure. f1 : numpy.ndarray F1-measures for each class, of shape: ``(n_classes,)``. """ m = metrics_from_confusion_matrix(labels, outputs, num_classes, weights, thr, fillna) return m["macro_f1"], m["f1"] @add_docstring( _METRICS_FROM_CONFUSION_MATRIX_PARAMS.format(metric="sensitivity", metrics="sensitivities"), "prepend", ) def sensitivity( labels: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], outputs: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], num_classes: Optional[int] = None, weights: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, Tensor]] = None, thr: float = 0.5, fillna: Union[bool, float] = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]: """ Returns ------- macro_sens : float Macro-averaged sensitivity. sens : numpy.ndarray Sensitivities for each class, of shape ``(n_classes,)``. """ m = metrics_from_confusion_matrix(labels, outputs, num_classes, weights, thr, fillna) return m["macro_sens"], m["sens"] # aliases recall = sensitivity true_positive_rate = sensitivity hit_rate = sensitivity @add_docstring( _METRICS_FROM_CONFUSION_MATRIX_PARAMS.format(metric="precision", metrics="precisions"), "prepend", ) def precision( labels: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], outputs: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], num_classes: Optional[int] = None, weights: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, Tensor]] = None, thr: float = 0.5, fillna: Union[bool, float] = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]: """ Returns ------- macro_prec : float Macro-averaged precision. prec : numpy.ndarray Precisions for each class, of shape ``(n_classes,)``. """ m = metrics_from_confusion_matrix(labels, outputs, num_classes, weights, thr, fillna) return m["macro_prec"], m["prec"] # aliases positive_predictive_value = precision @add_docstring( _METRICS_FROM_CONFUSION_MATRIX_PARAMS.format(metric="specificity", metrics="specificities"), "prepend", ) def specificity( labels: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], outputs: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], num_classes: Optional[int] = None, weights: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, Tensor]] = None, thr: float = 0.5, fillna: Union[bool, float] = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]: """ Returns ------- macro_spec : float Macro-averaged specificity. spec : numpy.ndarray Specificities for each class, of shape ``(n_classes,)``. """ m = metrics_from_confusion_matrix(labels, outputs, num_classes, weights, thr, fillna) return m["macro_spec"], m["spec"] # aliases selectivity = specificity true_negative_rate = specificity @add_docstring( _METRICS_FROM_CONFUSION_MATRIX_PARAMS.format(metric="AUROC and macro AUPRC", metrics="AUPRCs, AUPRCs"), "prepend", ) def auc( labels: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], outputs: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], num_classes: Optional[int] = None, weights: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, Tensor]] = None, thr: float = 0.5, fillna: Union[bool, float] = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[float, float, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Returns ------- macro_auroc : float Macro-averaged AUROC. macro_auprc : float Macro-averaged AUPRC. auprc : numpy.ndarray AUPRCs for each class, of shape ``(n_classes,)``. auprc : numpy.ndarray AUPRCs for each class, of shape ``(n_classes,)``. """ if outputs.ndim == 1: raise ValueError("outputs must be of shape (n_samples, n_classes) to compute AUC") m = metrics_from_confusion_matrix(labels, outputs, num_classes, weights, thr, fillna) return m["macro_auroc"], m["macro_auprc"], m["auroc"], m["auprc"] @add_docstring( _METRICS_FROM_CONFUSION_MATRIX_PARAMS.format(metric="accuracy", metrics="accuracies"), "prepend", ) def accuracy( labels: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], outputs: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], num_classes: Optional[int] = None, weights: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, Tensor]] = None, thr: float = 0.5, fillna: Union[bool, float] = 0.0, ) -> float: """ Returns ------- macro_acc : float Macro-averaged accuracy. acc: numpy.ndarray, Accuracies for each class, of shape ``(n_classes,)``. """ m = metrics_from_confusion_matrix(labels, outputs, num_classes, weights, thr, fillna) return m["macro_acc"], m["acc"]
[docs]def QRS_score( rpeaks_truths: Sequence[Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[int]]], rpeaks_preds: Sequence[Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[int]]], fs: Real, thr: float = 0.075, ) -> float: """ QRS accuracy score, proposed in CPSC2019. Parameters ---------- rpeaks_truths : array_like array of ground truths of rpeaks locations (indices) from multiple records. rpeaks_preds : array_like predictions of ground truths of rpeaks locations (indices) for multiple records. fs : numbers.Real Sampling frequency of ECG signal thr : float, default 0.075 Threshold for a prediction to be truth positive, with units in seconds. Returns ------- rec_acc : float Accuracy of predictions. """ assert len(rpeaks_truths) == len( rpeaks_preds ), f"number of records does not match, truth indicates {len(rpeaks_truths)}, while pred indicates {len(rpeaks_preds)}" n_records = len(rpeaks_truths) record_flags = np.ones((len(rpeaks_truths),), dtype=float) thr_ = thr * fs for idx, (truth_arr, pred_arr) in enumerate(zip(rpeaks_truths, rpeaks_preds)): false_negative = 0 false_positive = 0 true_positive = 0 extended_truth_arr = np.concatenate((truth_arr.astype(int), [int(9.5 * fs)])) for j, t_ind in enumerate(extended_truth_arr[:-1]): next_t_ind = extended_truth_arr[j + 1] loc = np.where(np.abs(pred_arr - t_ind) <= thr_)[0] if j == 0: err = np.where((pred_arr >= 0.5 * fs + thr_) & (pred_arr <= t_ind - thr_))[0] else: err = np.array([], dtype=int) err = np.append( err, np.where((pred_arr >= t_ind + thr_) & (pred_arr <= next_t_ind - thr_))[0], ) false_positive += len(err) if len(loc) >= 1: true_positive += 1 false_positive += len(loc) - 1 elif len(loc) == 0: false_negative += 1 if false_negative + false_positive > 1: record_flags[idx] = 0 elif false_negative == 1 and false_positive == 0: record_flags[idx] = 0.3 elif false_negative == 0 and false_positive == 1: record_flags[idx] = 0.7 rec_acc = round(np.sum(record_flags) / n_records, 4) return rec_acc
def cls_to_bin( labels: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], outputs: Union[np.ndarray, Tensor], num_classes: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Convert categorical (of shape ``(n_samples,)``) labels and outputs to binary (of shape ``(n_samples, n_classes)``) labels and outputs if applicable. Parameters ---------- labels : numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor Categorical labels of shape ``(n_samples,)``, or binary labels of shape ``(n_samples, n_classes)``. outputs : numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor Categorical outputs of shape ``(n_samples,)``, or binary outputs of shape ``(n_samples, n_classes)``. num_classes : int, optional Number of classes. Required if both `labels` and `outputs` are categorical. Returns ------- labels : numpy.ndarray Binary labels of shape ``(n_samples, n_classes)``. outputs: numpy.ndarray Binary outputs of shape ``(n_samples, n_classes)``. """ if isinstance(labels, Tensor): labels = labels.cpu().numpy() if isinstance(outputs, Tensor): outputs = outputs.cpu().numpy() if labels.ndim == outputs.ndim == 1: assert num_classes is not None, "num_classes is required if both labels and outputs are categorical" shape = (labels.shape[0], num_classes) labels = _cls_to_bin(labels, shape) outputs = _cls_to_bin(outputs, shape) elif labels.ndim == 1: shape = outputs.shape labels = _cls_to_bin(labels, shape) elif outputs.ndim == 1: shape = labels.shape outputs = _cls_to_bin(outputs, shape) return labels, outputs def _cls_to_bin(cls: np.ndarray, shape: Tuple[int]) -> np.ndarray: """Convert categorical array to binary array. Parameters ---------- cls : numpy.ndarray Categorical array of shape ``(n_samples,)``. shape: tuple, Shape of binary array. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Binarized array of `cls` of shape ``(n_samples, n_classes)``. """ bin_ = np.zeros(shape) for i in range(shape[0]): bin_[i, cls[i]] = 1 return bin_
[docs]def compute_wave_delineation_metrics( truth_masks: Sequence[np.ndarray], pred_masks: Sequence[np.ndarray], class_map: Dict[str, int], fs: Real, mask_format: str = "channel_first", tol: Real = 0.15, ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]: f""" Compute metrics for the task of ECG wave delineation (sensitivity, precision, f1_score, mean error and standard deviation of the mean errors) for multiple evaluations. Parameters ---------- truth_masks : Sequence[numpy.ndarray] A sequence of ground truth masks, each of which can also hold multiple masks from different samples (differ by record or by lead). Each mask is of shape ``(n_channels, n_timesteps)`` or ``(n_timesteps, n_channels)``. pred_masks : Sequence[numpy.ndarray] Predictions corresponding to `truth_masks`, of the same shapes. class_map : dict Class map, mapping names to waves to numbers from 0 to n_classes-1, the keys should contain {", ".join([f'"{item}"' for item in ECGWaveFormNames])}. fs : numbers.Real Sampling frequency of the signal corresponding to the masks, used to compute the duration of each waveform, and thus the error and standard deviations of errors. mask_format : str, default "channel_first" Format of the mask, one of the following: "channel_last" (alias "lead_last"), or "channel_first" (alias "lead_first") tol : float, default 0.15 Tolerance for the duration of the waveform, with units in seconds. Returns ------- scorings : dict scorings of onsets and offsets of pwaves, qrs complexes, twaves. Each scoring is a dict consisting of the following metrics: sensitivity, precision, f1_score, mean_error, standard_deviation """ assert len(truth_masks) == len(pred_masks), "length of truth_masks and pred_masks should be the same" truth_waveforms, pred_waveforms = [], [] # compute for each element for tm, pm in zip(truth_masks, pred_masks): n_masks = tm.shape[0] if mask_format.lower() in ["channel_first", "lead_first"] else tm.shape[1] new_t = masks_to_waveforms(tm, class_map, fs, mask_format) new_t = [new_t[f"lead_{idx+1}"] for idx in range(n_masks)] # list of list of `ECGWaveForm`s truth_waveforms += new_t new_p = masks_to_waveforms(pm, class_map, fs, mask_format) new_p = [new_p[f"lead_{idx+1}"] for idx in range(n_masks)] # list of list of `ECGWaveForm`s pred_waveforms += new_p scorings = compute_metrics_waveform(truth_waveforms, pred_waveforms, fs, tol) return scorings
def compute_metrics_waveform( truth_waveforms: Sequence[Sequence[ECGWaveForm]], pred_waveforms: Sequence[Sequence[ECGWaveForm]], fs: Real, tol: Real = 0.15, ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]: """ compute the sensitivity, precision, f1_score, mean error and standard deviation of the mean errors, of evaluations on a multiple samples (differ by records, or leads). Parameters ---------- truth_waveforms : Sequence[Sequence[ECGWaveForm]] The ground truth, each element is a sequence of `ECGWaveForm` from the same sample. pred_waveforms : Sequence[Sequence[ECGWaveForm]] The predictions corresponding to `truth_waveforms`, each element is a sequence of :class:`ECGWaveForm` from the same sample. fs : numbers.Real Sampling frequency of the signal corresponding to the waveforms, used to compute the duration of each waveform, and thus the error and standard deviations of errors. tol : float, default 0.15 Tolerance for the duration of the waveform, with units in seconds. Returns ------- scorings : dict Scorings of onsets and offsets of pwaves, qrs complexes, twaves. Each scoring is a dict consisting of the following metrics: sensitivity, precision, f1_score, mean_error, standard_deviation. """ truth_positive = dict({f"{wave}_{term}": 0 for wave in ECGWaveFormNames for term in ["onset", "offset"]}) false_positive = dict({f"{wave}_{term}": 0 for wave in ECGWaveFormNames for term in ["onset", "offset"]}) false_negative = dict({f"{wave}_{term}": 0 for wave in ECGWaveFormNames for term in ["onset", "offset"]}) errors = dict({f"{wave}_{term}": [] for wave in ECGWaveFormNames for term in ["onset", "offset"]}) # accumulating results for tw, pw in zip(truth_waveforms, pred_waveforms): s = _compute_metrics_waveform(tw, pw, fs, tol) for wave in [ "pwave", "qrs", "twave", ]: for term in ["onset", "offset"]: truth_positive[f"{wave}_{term}"] += s[f"{wave}_{term}"]["truth_positive"] false_positive[f"{wave}_{term}"] += s[f"{wave}_{term}"]["false_positive"] false_negative[f"{wave}_{term}"] += s[f"{wave}_{term}"]["false_negative"] errors[f"{wave}_{term}"] += s[f"{wave}_{term}"]["errors"] scorings = dict() for wave in ECGWaveFormNames: for term in ["onset", "offset"]: tp = truth_positive[f"{wave}_{term}"] fp = false_positive[f"{wave}_{term}"] fn = false_negative[f"{wave}_{term}"] err = errors[f"{wave}_{term}"] sensitivity = tp / (tp + fn + DEFAULTS.eps) precision = tp / (tp + fp + DEFAULTS.eps) f1_score = 2 * sensitivity * precision / (sensitivity + precision + DEFAULTS.eps) mean_error = np.mean(err) * 1000 / fs if len(err) > 0 else np.nan standard_deviation = np.std(err) * 1000 / fs if len(err) > 0 else np.nan scorings[f"{wave}_{term}"] = dict( sensitivity=sensitivity, precision=precision, f1_score=f1_score, mean_error=mean_error, standard_deviation=standard_deviation, ) return scorings def _compute_metrics_waveform( truths: Sequence[ECGWaveForm], preds: Sequence[ECGWaveForm], fs: Real, tol: Real = 0.15, ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]: """ Compute the sensitivity, precision, f1_score, mean error and standard deviation of the mean errors, of evaluations on a single sample (the same record, the same lead) Parameters ---------- truths : Sequence[ECGWaveForm] The ground truth preds : Sequence[ECGWaveForm] The predictions corresponding to `truths`. fs : numbers.Real Sampling frequency of the signal corresponding to the waveforms, used to compute the duration of each waveform, and thus the error and standard deviations of errors. tol : float, default 0.15, Tolerance for the duration of the waveform, with units in seconds. Returns ------- scorings : dict Scorings of onsets and offsets of pwaves, qrs complexes, twaves. Each scoring is a dict consisting of the following metrics: truth_positive, false_negative, false_positive, errors, sensitivity, precision, f1_score, mean_error, standard_deviation """ pwave_onset_truths, pwave_offset_truths, pwave_onset_preds, pwave_offset_preds = ( [], [], [], [], ) qrs_onset_truths, qrs_offset_truths, qrs_onset_preds, qrs_offset_preds = ( [], [], [], [], ) twave_onset_truths, twave_offset_truths, twave_onset_preds, twave_offset_preds = ( [], [], [], [], ) for item in ["truths", "preds"]: for w in eval(item): for term in ["onset", "offset"]: eval(f"{}_{term}_{item}.append(w.{term})") scorings = dict() for wave in ECGWaveFormNames: for term in ["onset", "offset"]: ( truth_positive, false_negative, false_positive, errors, sensitivity, precision, f1_score, mean_error, standard_deviation, ) = _compute_metrics_base(eval(f"{wave}_{term}_truths"), eval(f"{wave}_{term}_preds"), fs, tol) scorings[f"{wave}_{term}"] = dict( truth_positive=truth_positive, false_negative=false_negative, false_positive=false_positive, errors=errors, sensitivity=sensitivity, precision=precision, f1_score=f1_score, mean_error=mean_error, standard_deviation=standard_deviation, ) return scorings def _compute_metrics_base(truths: Sequence[Real], preds: Sequence[Real], fs: Real, tol: Real = 0.15) -> Dict[str, float]: r"""Base function for computing the metrics of the onset and offset of a waveform. Parameters ---------- truths : Sequence[numbers.Real] Ground truth of indices of corresponding critical points. preds : Sequence[numbers.Real] Predicted indices of corresponding critical points. fs : numbers.Real Sampling frequency of the signal corresponding to the critical points, used to compute the duration of each waveform, and thus the error and standard deviations of errors. tol : float, default 0.15 Tolerance for the duration of the waveform, with units in seconds. Returns ------- tuple Tuple of metrics: truth_positive, false_negative, false_positive, errors, sensitivity, precision, f1_score, mean_error, standard_deviation. See [#dl_seg]_ for more details. References ---------- .. [#dl_seg] Moskalenko, Viktor, Nikolai Zolotykh, and Grigory Osipov. "Deep Learning for ECG Segmentation." International Conference on Neuroinformatics. Springer, Cham, 2019. """ _tolerance = round(tol * fs) _truths = np.array(truths) _preds = np.array(preds) truth_positive, false_positive, false_negative = 0, 0, 0 errors = [] n_included = 0 for point in truths: _pred = _preds[np.where(np.abs(_preds - point) <= _tolerance)[0].tolist()] if len(_pred) > 0: truth_positive += 1 idx = np.argmin(np.abs(_pred - point)) errors.append(_pred[idx] - point) else: false_negative += 1 n_included += len(_pred) false_positive = len(_preds) - truth_positive sensitivity = truth_positive / (truth_positive + false_negative + DEFAULTS.eps) precision = truth_positive / (truth_positive + false_positive + DEFAULTS.eps) f1_score = 2 * sensitivity * precision / (sensitivity + precision + DEFAULTS.eps) mean_error = np.mean(errors) * 1000 / fs if len(errors) > 0 else np.nan standard_deviation = np.std(errors) * 1000 / fs if len(errors) > 0 else np.nan return ( truth_positive, false_negative, false_positive, errors, sensitivity, precision, f1_score, mean_error, standard_deviation, )