Visualization subsystem#

fl-sim implements a simple visualization subsystem named Panel along with a logging system. Panel is based on Jupyter Widgets (ipywidgets), matplotlib and seaborn. It runs in a Jupyter Notebook or similar environment (Jupyter Lab, Google Colab, Amazon SageMaker, etc.). Panel has the following features:

  • It automatically searches, lists the log files of completed simulations (numerical experiments) in the specified directory, and displays them in a multi-select list box.

  • It automatically decodes the log files and plots the curves of the specified metrics.

  • It supports interactive operations on the plotted curves, such as zooming, smoothing, font family and size adjustment, etc.

  • It supports saving the plotted curves to a file in PDF/SVG/PNG/JPEG/PS formats.

  • It supports curve merging via tags into mean-value curves with error bars (optional). The error bounds have 4 options:

    • standard deviation (STD)

    • standard error of the mean (SEM)

    • quantile (QTL)

    • interquartile range (IQR)

The following GIF (created using ScreenToGif) shows a demo of the visualization Panel:

FL-SIM Panel Demo GIF

NOTE: to use Windows fonts on a Linux machine (e.g. Ubuntu), one can execute the following commands:

$ sudo install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
$ sudo fc-cache -fv