Source code for fl_sim.data_processing.fedprox_sent140

import json
import re
from pathlib import Path
from string import punctuation
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
import as torchdata
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from ..models import nn as mnn
from ..models.utils import top_n_accuracy
from ..models.word_embeddings import GloveEmbedding
from ..utils._download_data import url_is_reachable
from ..utils.const import CACHED_DATA_DIR
from ._register import register_fed_dataset
from .fed_dataset import FedNLPDataset

__all__ = [

FEDPROX_SENT140_DATA_DIR = CACHED_DATA_DIR / "fedprox_sent140"
FEDPROX_SENT140_DATA_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

[docs]@register_fed_dataset() class FedProxSent140(FedNLPDataset): """Federated Sentiment140 dataset used in FedProx paper. Sentiment140 dataset [1]_ is built from the tweets with positive and negative sentiment. FedProx [2]_ preprocessed the data and saved the data into json files. Parameters ---------- datadir : Union[Path, str], optional Directory to store data. If ``None``, use default directory. seed : int, default 0 Random seed for data partitioning. **extra_config : dict, optional Extra configurations. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] """ __name__ = "FedProxSent140" def _preload( self, datadir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, embedding_name: str = "glove.6B.300d", ) -> None: """Preload the dataset. Parameters ---------- datadir : Union[pathlib.Path, str], optional Directory to store data. If ``None``, use default directory. embedding_name : str, default "glove.6B.300d" Name of the word embedding to use. Returns ------- None """ self.datadir = Path(datadir or FEDPROX_SENT140_DATA_DIR).expanduser().resolve() self.download_if_needed() self.embedding_name = embedding_name self.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 4 self.DEFAULT_TRAIN_FILE = list((self.datadir / "train").glob("*.json"))[0] self.DEFAULT_TEST_FILE = list((self.datadir / "test").glob("*.json"))[0] self._EXAMPLE = "user_data" self._TEXT = "x" self._LABEL = "y" self._class_map = { "0": 0, "4": 1, } # data are dict with keys "users", "num_samples", "user_data" self._train_data_dict = json.loads(self.DEFAULT_TRAIN_FILE.read_text()) self._test_data_dict = json.loads(self.DEFAULT_TEST_FILE.read_text()) self.DEFAULT_TRAIN_CLIENTS_NUM = len(self._train_data_dict["users"]) self.DEFAULT_TEST_CLIENTS_NUM = len(self._test_data_dict["users"]) # find the raw max length of the text, # and remove URLs and leading "@user" in the text, # then remove leading and trailing punctuation raw_max_len = 0 for user in self._train_data_dict["users"]: for idx in range(len(self._train_data_dict[self._EXAMPLE][user][self._TEXT])): text = self._train_data_dict[self._EXAMPLE][user][self._TEXT][idx][4].strip() text = self._preprocess_text(text) self._train_data_dict[self._EXAMPLE][user][self._TEXT][idx][4] = text raw_max_len = max(raw_max_len, len(text.split())) for user in self._test_data_dict["users"]: for idx in range(len(self._test_data_dict[self._EXAMPLE][user])): text = self._test_data_dict[self._EXAMPLE][user][self._TEXT][idx][4].strip() text = self._preprocess_text(text) self._test_data_dict[self._EXAMPLE][user][self._TEXT][idx][4] = text raw_max_len = max(raw_max_len, len(text.split())) # print(f"raw_max_len: {raw_max_len}") self.max_len = min(raw_max_len * 2, 50) # 25 in original repo # try: # self.tokenizer = GloveEmbedding.get_tokenizer( # self.embedding_name, max_length=self.max_len # ) # except FileNotFoundError: # self.tokenizer = GloveEmbedding(self.embedding_name)._get_tokenizer( # max_length=self.max_len # ) glove_embedding = GloveEmbedding(self.embedding_name) self.word_embeddings = glove_embedding.get_embedding_layer(freeze=True) self.tokenizer = glove_embedding.get_tokenizer(max_length=self.max_len) del glove_embedding self.criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self._client_ids_train = self._train_data_dict["users"] self._client_ids_test = self._test_data_dict["users"]
[docs] def get_dataloader( self, train_bs: Optional[int] = None, test_bs: Optional[int] = None, client_idx: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[torchdata.DataLoader, torchdata.DataLoader]: """Get local dataloader at client `client_idx` or get the global dataloader. Parameters ---------- train_bs : int, optional Batch size for training dataloader. If ``None``, use default batch size. test_bs : int, optional Batch size for testing dataloader. If ``None``, use default batch size. client_idx : int, optional Index of the client to get dataloader. If ``None``, get the dataloader containing all data. Usually used for centralized training. Returns ------- train_dl : :class:`` Training dataloader. test_dl : :class:`` Testing dataloader. """ # load data if client_idx is None: # get ids of all clients train_ids = self._client_ids_train test_ids = self._client_ids_test else: # get ids of single client train_ids = [self._client_ids_train[client_idx]] test_ids = [self._client_ids_test[client_idx]] train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y = [], [], [], [] for user in train_ids: train_x.extend([item[4] for item in self._train_data_dict[self._EXAMPLE][user][self._TEXT]]) train_y.extend(self._train_data_dict[self._EXAMPLE][user][self._LABEL]) for user in test_ids: test_x.extend([item[4] for item in self._test_data_dict[self._EXAMPLE][user][self._TEXT]]) test_y.extend(self._test_data_dict[self._EXAMPLE][user][self._LABEL]) # tokenize to tensor train_x = self.word_embeddings(self.tokenizer(train_x, return_tensors="pt")) test_x = self.word_embeddings(self.tokenizer(test_x, return_tensors="pt")) train_y = torch.tensor([self._class_map[lb] for lb in train_y]) test_y = torch.tensor([self._class_map[lb] for lb in test_y]) train_ds = torchdata.TensorDataset(train_x, train_y) test_ds = torchdata.TensorDataset(test_x, test_y) train_dl = torchdata.DataLoader( dataset=train_ds, batch_size=train_bs or self.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, drop_last=False, ) test_dl = torchdata.DataLoader( dataset=test_ds, batch_size=test_bs or self.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, drop_last=False, ) return train_dl, test_dl
@staticmethod def _preprocess_text(text: str) -> str: """Remove URLs and leading "@user" in the text, then remove leading and trailing punctuation. """ text = BeautifulSoup(text, "html.parser").get_text() # remove the URLs text = re.sub(r"(^|\s*)https?://\S+(\s+|$)", "", text.strip()) # remove the leading "@user" text = re.sub("^@\\S+\\s", "", text.strip()) # remove leading or trailing punctuations text = re.sub("^[" + punctuation + "\\s]+", "", text.strip()) text = re.sub("[\\s" + punctuation + "]+$", "", text.strip()) return text.strip() def get_word_dict(self) -> Dict[str, int]: return self.tokenizer._tokenizer.get_vocab()
[docs] def evaluate(self, probs: torch.Tensor, truths: torch.Tensor) -> Dict[str, float]: """Evaluation using predictions and ground truth. Parameters ---------- probs : torch.Tensor Predicted probabilities. truths : torch.Tensor Ground truth labels. Returns ------- Dict[str, float] Evaluation results. """ return { "acc": top_n_accuracy(probs, truths, 1), "loss": self.criterion(probs, truths).item(), "num_samples": probs.shape[0], }
@property def url(self) -> str: """URL for downloading the dataset.""" # if url_is_reachable(""): return "" else: return "" @property def candidate_models(self) -> Dict[str, torch.nn.Module]: """A set of candidate models.""" return { "rnn": mnn.RNN_Sent140_LITE(embed_dim=self.word_embeddings.dim), } @property def doi(self) -> List[str]: """DOIs related to the dataset.""" return [ "10.48550/ARXIV.1812.01097", # LEAF "10.48550/ARXIV.1812.06127", # FedProx ]
[docs] def view_sample(self, client_idx: int, sample_idx: int) -> None: """View a sample from the dataset. Parameters ---------- client_idx : int Index of the client on which the sample is located. sample_idx : int Index of the sample in the client. Returns ------- None """ if client_idx >= len(self._client_ids_train): raise ValueError(f"client_idx should be less than {len(self._client_ids_train)}") user = self._client_ids_train[client_idx] raw_texts = ( self._train_data_dict[self._EXAMPLE][user][self._TEXT] + self._test_data_dict[self._EXAMPLE][user][self._TEXT] ) if sample_idx >= len(raw_texts): raise ValueError(f"sample_idx should be less than {len(raw_texts)}") text = raw_texts[sample_idx][4] label = self._train_data_dict[self._EXAMPLE][user][self._LABEL] + self._test_data_dict[self._EXAMPLE][user][self._LABEL] label = label[sample_idx] new_line = "\n" + "-" * 50 + "\n" print(f"Text:{new_line}{text}{new_line}") print(f"Label:{new_line}{label}")