
class torch_ecg.components.RPeaksDetectionMetrics(thr: float = 0.075, extra_metrics: Callable | None = None)[source]

Bases: Metrics

Metrics for the task of R peaks detection, as proposed in CPSC2019.

  • thr (float, default 0.075) – Threshold for a prediction to be truth positive, with units in seconds,

  • extra_metrics (callable, optional) –

    Extra metrics to compute, has to be a function with signature

    def extra_metrics(
        labels : Sequence[Union[Sequence[int], np.ndarray]],
        outputs : Sequence[Union[Sequence[int], np.ndarray]],
        fs : int
    ) -> dict

compute(labels: Sequence[ndarray | Sequence[int]], outputs: Sequence[ndarray | Sequence[int]], fs: int, thr: float | None = None) RPeaksDetectionMetrics[source]

QRS accuracy score, proposed in CPSC2019.

  • labels (array_like) – array of ground truths of rpeaks locations (indices) from multiple records.

  • outputs (array_like) – predictions of ground truths of rpeaks locations (indices) for multiple records.

  • fs (numbers.Real) – Sampling frequency of ECG signal

  • thr (float, optional, defaults to self.thr) – Threshold for a prediction to be truth positive, with units in seconds.


self – The metrics object itself with the computed metrics.


>>> labels = [np.array([500, 1000])]
>>> outputs = [np.array([500, 700, 1000])]  # a false positive at 700
>>> metrics = RPeaksDetectionMetrics()
>>> metrics = metrics.compute(labels, outputs, fs=500)
>>> metrics.qrs_score

Return type:


extra_repr_keys() List[str][source]

Extra keys for __repr__() and __str__().