This module contains a collection of utility functions and classes that are used throughout the package.
Neural network auxiliary functions and classes¶
Extend the prediction arrays to prediction arrays in larger range of classes |
Compute the output shape of a (transpose) convolution/maxpool/avgpool layer. |
Compute the output shape of a convolution layer. |
Compute the output shape of a transpose convolution layer |
Compute the output shape of a maxpool layer. |
Compute the output shape of a avgpool layer. |
Compute the output shape of a sequential model. |
compute the size (number of parameters) of a |
Default collate functions for model training. |
Compute the receptive field of several types of |
Adjust the filter lengths in the config for convolutional neural networks, according to the new sampling frequency. |
Mixin class for size related methods |
Mixin class for loading from checkpoint class methods |
Signal processing functions¶
Smooth the 1d data using a window with requested size. |
Resample the 2d irregular timeseries sig into a 1d or 2d regular time series with frequency output_fs, elements of sig are in the form |
Detect peaks in data based on their amplitude and other features. |
Remove signal spikes using a naive method. |
Butterworth bandpass filtering the signals. |
Get amplitude of a signal (near critical points if given). |
Normalize a signal. |
Perform z-score normalization on |
Resample signal tensors to a new sampling frequency or a new signal length. |
Data operations¶
Get the mask around the given critical points. |
Transform class weight to sample weight. |
Ensure the multi-lead (ECG) signal to be of specified format. |
Ensure the (ECG) signal to be of specified length. |
Convert masks into lists of |
Convert a mask into a list of intervals, or a dict of lists of intervals. |
Generate a list of numbers uniformly distributed. |
Perform stratified train-test split on the dataframe. |
Convert a categorical array to a one-hot array. |
Generate weight mask for a binary target mask, accounting the foreground weight and boundary weight. |
Interval operations¶
Find the overlap between two intervals. |
Check whether interval is an Interval or a GeneralizedInterval. |
Check whether val is inside interval or not. |
Check whether val is inside generalized_interval or not. |
Find the union of intervals. |
Calculate the union of a list (or tuple) of |
Calculate the intersection of all intervals in interval_list. |
calculate the intersection of intervals. |
Calculate the complement of an interval in another interval. |
Compute an optimal covering of to_cover by intervals. |
Compute the length of an interval. |
Compute the length of an interval. |
Locate local extrema points in a 1D signal. |
Determines if two (generalized) intervals intersect or not. |
Find the largest (the largest interval length) covering of a sequence of intervals. |
Metrics computations¶
Compute top n accuracy. |
Compute a binary confusion matrix |
Compute binary one-vs-rest confusion matrices. |
Compute macro metrics, and metrics for each class. |
QRS accuracy score, proposed in CPSC2019. |
Decorators and Mixins¶
Decorator to add docstring to a function or a class. |
Remove parameters and/or returns from docstring, which is of the format of numpydoc. |
Default class representation. |
Mixin class for enhanced |
Mixin class for getting citations from DOIs. |
Get the kwargs of a function or class. |
Get the required positional arguments of a function or class. |
Add keyword arguments to a function. |
Path operations¶
Get the list of records in a recursive manner. |
String operations¶
Convert a (possibly) nested dict into a str of json-like formatted form. |
Converts a "boolean" value possibly in the format of |
Kill all leading white spaces in each line of text, while keeping all lines (including empty) |
Get the current time in the |
Visualization functions¶
Function to plot raw ECG signal. |
Initialize a logger. |
Sum a sequence of lists. |
Determine if two dicts are equal. |
Class for computing moving average. |
Context manager to time the execution of a block of code. |
A context manager that raises a |